Rotaract takes self-development campaign to Abeokuta prison, communities 

Members of the club on a visit with food items to the correctional facility

Inmates of the Nigerian Correctional Service, Ibara, Abeokuta, Ogun State, were sensitised as the Rotaract Club of Abeokuta embarked on some morale-lifting outreach to the facility with the admonition to make best use of their time in the facility for self-development.
The president of the club, Fehintola Owolabi, urged the inmates to utilise the opportunities presented to them to be good citizens and emulate 76 of their colleagues who recently graduated from Yewa Central College of Education (YCCE) with National Certificates of Education (NCE).
Food items and toiletries were also donated to the inmates. The project was organised in conjunction with the Rotaract District 9110 and a few other clubs in the district. After the visit, some beggars and destitute citizens were fed at Lafenwa shed.
Also, the club empowered some traders and artisans in Abeokuta with service tools, such as grinding machines and barbing equipment. This was after the club’s vocational service committee had carried out a need assessment screening from selected individuals to ascertain what they needed before the donation.
Mrs Akingbogun Bisola, who received a grinding machine, thanked the club for finding her worthy of such magnanimous gift early in the year. She assured the club that the machine would be put to judicious use, as it would help to improve her living standard after unsuccessful attempts at petty trading.



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