Rugby Africa sanction tops agenda NRFF holds 2022 General Assembly in Benin

The Nigeria Rugby Football Federation (NRFF) will hold its general assembly from today to March 24 in Benin City, Edo State, with discussions on how to get off the Rugby Africa ban top of the agenda.

NRFF Secretary General, James Eakyns, told The Guardian, yesterday, that delegates from across the country will, at the two-day event, ratify the body’s constitution and also seek ways to get Rugby Africa to lift Nigeria’s ban from participating in international events.

Eakyns said that the present NRFF board, led by Ademola Are, is determined to develop and popularise the sport in the country.

The Guardian recalls that Africa’s rugby body last year banned Nigeria from taking part in international competitions following the appointment of a caretaker committee to oversee NRFF’s affairs by the Ministry of Sports.

Nigeria has since elected Ademola Are as NRFF president, an action many followers of the sport believe has rendered Rugby Africa’s reason for banning the country untenable.



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