Sagamu mayhem: Abiodun visits affected locations, vows to go after perpetrators  

Brigade Commander, 35 Artillery Brigade, Brigadier General Mohammed Aminu (left); Akarigbo and Paramount Ruler of Remoland, Oba Babatunde Ajayi; Gov. Dapo Abiodun and Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Frank Mbah, during a press briefing after on-the-spot assessment of protest purportedly carried out to protest against scarcity of newly redesigned naira notes in Sagamu… yesterday
Following violent protests that rocked Sagamu on Monday over scarcity of the new naira notes, Ogun State governor, Dapo Abiodun, yesterday, visited Sagamu for on-the-spot assessment of buildings and property affected by the unrest, with a vow to go after those involved in the arson and wanton destruction of public property.
Speaking with newsmen shortly after the tour of the affected areas, the governor described the level of destruction of properties as shocking and never seen in the history of the town.
He said: “I am here to have an on-the-spot assessment of what happened about the protest that rocked Sagamu. I have visited the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, local council secretariat and I am here at the Akarigbo Road to see the banks.

“What I have seen here breaks my heart. I am speechless. It was supposed to be a protest, but what I have seen here is that there are sinister objectives. The IBEDC office and the local council secretariat were vandalised with properties worth millions of naira destroyed. At the banks, hoodlums attempted to take away computers and cash.
“The protest is beyond naira redesigning or swapping policy. We heard from many eyewitnesses, we also believe from what we have seen today and this is most unfortunate particularly, as elections are few days away
“This is obvious to me that some elements are determined to unleash mayhem to cause voter apathy, or perhaps, to hopefully believe that there will be no elections, if they continue with the violence.
“As the chief security officer of this state, I consider this a test of not only my will, but the collective will of the law. We are going after any person that either directly or indirectly associates with this hideous crime. We will find them, arrest them and they will face the full wrath of the law and make a good example of them.”
The governor reiterated that despite the violence that broke out in the country during the#EndSARS protest two years ago, Ogun State was relatively peaceful, as it did not record any destructive protest or violence, wondering why such happened now.
He expressed thanks to God that no life was lost and to the people for remaining calm in the face of such provocation, assuring that the government would support those who are affected.
Abiodun further appealed to the people to go about their normal businesses peacefully, saying that adequate security would be provided by the law enforcement agencies.
He commended the security agents who responded swiftly to the mayhem, saying the perpetrators could only wish, plan, but could not break the spirit of the people, just as he assured that elections would hold on Saturday, February 25, as planned, warning that anyone fomenting trouble would be dealt with.
The governor was accompanied on the visit by the Akarigbo and Paramount Ruler of Remoland, Oba Babatunde Ajayi, the Brigade Commander, 35 Artillery Brigade Alamala, Abeokuta, Ogun State Commissioner of Police, Frank Mbah, other service chiefs, members of the State Executive Council, among others.  


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