Samuel Ajibola: I’m more of a classic man

Samuel Ajibola is a Nollywood actor, model and events compere. His sojourn into acting started as a child and became more popular for his role as ‘Spiff’ in the Africa Magic TV comedy series, The Johnsons, where he featured for 10 years before exiting. Ajibola is also famous for being the first Nigerian child actor to win the award for Best Kid Actor for three years in a row. In this interview with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, Ajibola shares his passion for acting among other issues.

Share with us your growing up?
Though I hail from Ekiti State, my mum is from Rivers State. I was born in Lagos and grew up in Surulere. I am the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Ajibola, with three siblings. I attended a Catholic primary school, a military secondary school and attended the University of Lagos. Currently, I’m rounding up my masters degree programme at a private university in Ibadan.

You started out as a child actor, what kept you going?
As a child, it is the enthusiasm, which led to the discovery and sustainability of my talent, that has kept me going all these years. I’ve always enjoyed being on set with the various actors I’ve worked with, not to mention that I’ve always been adventurous.

You were popular for your role in a family drama series, The Johnsons’s, why did you quit?
You see, change is painful but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you do not belong. I believe that there’s a time for everything. I’m certain that the purpose of my being on the show has been fulfilled. It’s been about a decade, so it’s time to go fulfill other God-given purposes.

What project is Samuel Ajibola involved in right now?
I have a lot of things going on for me right now from the entertainment industry to leadership/governance and beyond.

Asides acting, modeling and compering at events, you have done a few skits. One of them is Dele Issues. What influenced it and should we look up to more skits?
Dele Issues came at a time when I needed to test the waters of being a producer as well as building a brand outside what people had known me for. Thankfully, it got me an episode with a former Nigerian President as well as a unique recognition in the African entertainment space. As it is right now, people should look forward to bigger things coming from Dele Issues.

What does fashion mean to you?
Fashion is a representation of one’s personality.

Define your style?
I’m more of a classic man. I love suits but I also love our traditional wears because of my orthodox nature.
What’s your favourite piece of clothing?

What do you consider your most memorable moment?
Any point of self-discovery or spiritual awakening is always a memorable moment for me and I’ve had quite a couple of them.

If you were not an actor, what other career path are you likely to consider?
I’m naturally drawn to leadership, sports or Arts in general, so anywhere around there is most likely where I’d draw a career path from.

What keeps you going?
My relationship with God, being inspired or motivated. Also music, patience and delayed gratification.

What is your turn on and turn off?
I’m turned on by “sapio-sexuals” or like minds. I’m turned off by gossips.

What would Samuel never be caught doing in a public space?
Seeking attention! I already attract too much already.

What advice do you have for young people looking up to you?
Draw closer to God everyday and keep your heart pure without letting this immoral world influence who you become. Lastly, avoid being intimidated by money from thieves/robbers around you.

What is your philosophy of life?
I believe in discipline, patience and hard work.


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