Sanwo-Olu gifts LASU’s best graduating student N10m


Lagos State Governor, Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Thursday, announced a cash gift of N10m to honour Mubaraq Olaniyi, who emerged as the Best Graduating Student in the Lagos State University for the 2022-2023 academic session.

Sanwo-Olu made this announcement at LASU’s 27th Convocation Ceremony for the conferment of honorary Degrees and ranks of Emeritus and Distinguished Professors.

The governor urged graduates and students to continue to act with integrity and lead a solution-focused life as they strive to operate at the level of positive impact.

He reiterated his administration’s commitment to infrastructure development and the welfare of staff.

In his remarks, LASU’s Vice Chancellor, Ibiyemi Olatunji-Bello, noted the institution’s achievements in the past year, stating that it was ranked the most digitally advanced university.

She wished the graduates the best in their endeavours.

The awardees, in their vote of thanks, appreciated the university and Lagos State Government for the gesture, pledging further support in fostering the growth and development of the university and the state.

The event, attended by the state Deputy Governor, Obafemi Hamzat, and other dignitaries, honoured awards including Martins Anatekhai, Amidu Sanni, Tajudeen Olusi, and Samuel Adedoyin.

Similarly, the Chancellor of LASU, Gbolahan Elias, expressed the institution’s commitment to deepening academic excellence for the benefit of all. He urged the graduates to continue to be agents of positive change in life.

The Chancellor also thanked Governor Sanwo-Olu-led administration for addressing the infrastructural needs of the university and the welfare of staff.

Stakeholders at the event, in their goodwill messages, applauded LASU for its commitment to laying the foundation of competence and dedicated professionals that would shape the future of the country.


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