Sanwo-Olu, Okoya, Fashola, among 40 most influential people

Lagos State governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu; industrialist, Rasak Okoya; Babatunde Fashola (SAN) and Dr Adedeji Adeleke have been named among the 40 most influential people in Nigeria, in a new book.

The book, entitled “The 40 Most Influential People in Nigeria,” authored by a journalist and public relations consultant, Bode Odeseye and published by Excel Publishing Group, listed other eminent Nigerians, who have distinguished themselves in different areas of endeavours and have enormous influence in different spheres, including politics/governance, democratic ideals/activism, economic, infrastructural and social development, banking and finance, among others.

According to Odeseye, a series of assiduous research conducted revealed that these eminent personalities had carved a niche for themselves by adding immeasurable value in various areas of endeavours through milestone achievements and impact on mankind as well as irrevocably stamping their footprints on the sand of time.

“A strongly marked personality can influence descendants for generations. As the most populated African nation, Nigeria’s population, according to United Nations’ data, is 223.8 million. It is noteworthy that these 40 people wield enormous influence in the country of such a mammoth population, and this influence transcends Nigeria, Africa, impacting the world, in several cases. They have perpetually brought themselves into reckoning by immensely creating immutable legacies, exhibiting outstanding capacity as high achievers and making a very perceptible difference in spheres of life, indelibly etching their names in the annals of history as front-line influential people,” he said.

He noted that the book captures their historical trajectory, and chronicles their lives, while underscoring their numerous achievements and positive impacts on humanity, for posterity.


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