Saraki Deserves Some Respect, Says Ameh

SarakiTHE National Chairman of Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA), Chief Peter Ameh has called for caution on the way issues affecting Senate President Bukola Saraki are being handled.

He said as the third person in the hierarchy of the federal government, Saraki deserves some respect from Nigerians, including the government itself.

“We want the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and the Tribunal to be functional. We want them to work for the good of our people in checkmating those who have declared assets before and after office, to value the assets that are declared and made such public. By so doing, they will put the public on the vanguard to look at the issue from an open perspective.

“But what we are saying is that Saraki declared his assets as far back as 2003 and this is 2015. Why is it that the Code of Conduct Tribunal did not charge Saraki since then?

“Why was it not able to look at the issue since based on what he has declared? If it could take 12 years to do investigation on only one governor, how long will it take to investigate others?” he said.

Ameh said the prosecution of the senate president was worrisome, wondering why it took 13 years for the CCB to review Saraki’s assets declaration.

“If they are working at this pace, they will never find anybody guilty. Then, it will take another 15 years to review the assets declared by this present government.

“The CCB must restructure its system to work not only when they are being pushed or based on the fact that there is a new commander in town.

“They must work in line with the laws that set them up. If Saraki has offended his party, Nigeria must go on. Nigeria is superior to the party. Nigeria is supreme to any political party.

“So, we must look at these issues holistically in order to be able to join ideas. The Senate President is the third in the hierarchy of the federal government and he should be accorded some respect, because what is happening now can create chaos.”

