Saudi Arabia, Nigeria Sultan declares Eid al-Fitr on Wednesday

Nigerian Muslim worshippers take part in Eid al-Fitr prayers at the National Stadium sport complex of Surulere neighbourhood in Lagos on June 4, 2019. – Muslims worldwide are celebrating Eid al-Fitr which marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. (Photo by PIUS UTOMI EKPEI / AFP)

Saudi Arabia and Nigeria’s President-General of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, Sa’ad Abubakar, announced on Monday that the crescent moon of Shawwal was not sighted.

This means the holy month of Ramadan will continue on Tuesday, with Eid al-Fitr celebrations commencing on Wednesday, April 10th.

For Saudi Arabia, the disclosure was made on Haramin’s official Facebook page, stating, “The crescent moon was not sighted in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, Eid Al Fitr will be celebrated on Wednesday, 10th April 2024.

“May Allāh allow us to utilise the remaining moments of this blessed month to engage in that which pleases Him, may He accept our siyām, qiyām & a’māl & may He allow us to witness many more Ramadāns in good health. Āmīn.”

While the Nigerian Muslims have also received an official declaration from Sultan Sa’ad Abubakar, President-General of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs.

Abubakar’s declaration followed the report of the National Moon Sighting Committees across the country which confirmed that the moon has not been sighted.

A statement signed by the Chairman, Advisory Committee on Religious Affairs, to the Sultanate Council, Prof Sambo Junaidu, said the council accepted the report and accordingly declared Wednesday, April 10, 2024, as the first day of Shawwal 1445AH.

“The Sultanate Council Advisory Committee on Religious Affairs, in conjunction with the National Moon Sighting Committee, did not receive any report from various Moon Sighting Committees across the Country confirming the sighting of the New Moon of Shawwal 1445AH, on Monday, 8th April, 2024 which was the 29th day of Ramadan 1444AH. Therefore, Tuesday, 9th April, 2024 is the 30th day of the month of Ramadan 1445AH.” Junaidu said.

“His Eminence, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar CFR, mni, the Sultan of Sokoto and President General, Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) has accepted the report and accordingly declared Wednesday, 10th April, 2024 as the first day of Shawwal 1445AH. (Day of Eid-El-Fitr).

“His Eminence, the Sultan felicitates with the Nigerian Muslim Ummah and wishes them Allah’s guidance and blessings.

“The Sultan, while urging the Muslim Ummah to continue to pray for peace, progress and development of the Country he also wishes all Muslims a happy Eid-El-Fitr. May Allah (SWT) accept our religious deeds, amin.”


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