School empowers students on art, creativity

As part of efforts to equip students and groom them for the future, the Art Hotel, in collaboration with British International School, has launched a competition for students at Kuramo Junior Secondary School, Victoria Island.

The competition, tagged ‘Love Art’ is aimed at empowering the students through arts.

The competition is designed for students between ages 12 and 14 and winners would be rewarded with cash gifts.

According to the General Manager, The Art Hotel, Roderick Peck, the competition is aimed at grooming talents.

“It is part of our commitment from The Art Hotel not only to the art in general but to our community and we are delighted to work with Kuramo school, and be part of the ethics to set up the very first Art lessons as there is no Art available in the school, we will help support all of the processes they need to go further and we look forward to bring art to this school and see the talent moving forward.

The Principal of British International school, Lagos, Kelvin Donnelly, disclosed that one of his art teachers would teach some selected Kuramo junior students about art for a period of six weeks to develop their creativity.

“We want the students to have the experience and we also see it as part of our corporate social responsibility.”


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