SDP disclaims NEC meeting called by ex-deputy national chairman

Social Democratic Party (SDP)

The national headquarters of Social Democratic Party (SDP) has disassociated itself from what it described as “unauthorised” National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting called by Dr. Abdulwaheed Isiaq, who was purportedly suspended as the deputy national chairman last Saturday.

In a statement, yesterday, the National Publicity Secretary of SDP, Amb. Rufus Aiyenigba, alleged that Isiaq’s action, in convening a purported NEC meeting, was not only illegal but self-serving and inimical to the progress and well-being of the party and its leadership.

The statement reads: “The attention of the national leadership of our great party has been drawn to an illegal gathering, which is said to be the meeting SDP NEC convened and conducted by Isiaq at Savannah Suites, Abuja, on Saturday.”

“Dr. Isiaq gathered a number of people, who are largely unknown to the SDP, and raised malicious allegations that are designed to cause disaffection within the ranks of the party, and/or engender opprobrium and portray the party as an irresponsible political institution before the Nigerian public, who love and have high regards for the SDP as the credible alternative political party and the bastion of hope for national retrieval, particularly as 2023 beckons.”

According to Aiyenigba, the suspended deputy national chairman has no constitutional power or authority to convene a NEC meeting.

His words: “The National Secretary, Alhaji Shehu Gabam, according to our Constitution 2018 (as amended), is the national officer with the statutory power to call for a NEC meeting with the approval of the National Chairman, Dr. Olu Agunloye, or the National Working Committee (NWC).

“Such call for meeting must be with the due knowledge and approval of a duly signed notice of NEC meeting by the duo, to the Independent national Electoral (INEC), which is the statutory regulatory body of political parties in Nigeria.”

The party appealed to relevant security agencies to intervention and called Isiaq and his cohorts to order.

“The Nigerian police has earlier been duly contacted about this condemnable development, and were requested to wade in and ensure that Isiaq and his co-travellers in the illegal moves are not allowed to destabilise the party, or cause a breach of public peace through their actions,” he added.


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