Security body warns against inflammatory statements by politicians

*Alleges politicians hijack naira notes for vote buying

The Alumni Association of the National Institute for Security Studies (AANISS), has warned politicians against provocative and inflammatory statements in the build-up to the general elections.

The association, whose members are drawn from the military, police, intelligence and other strategic regulatory agencies of government, yesterday raised the alarm that Nigeria’s collective patrimony was being threatened by political gladiators and urged patriotic Nigerians to rise up through constructive rhetoric to assuage tension and assist security agencies in bringing the situation under control.

“The security situation in the country is precarious and it is mostly caused by politicians through inflammatory statements and inciting others which is wrong. So, we felt that it is our responsibility as major stakeholders in the affairs of Nigeria to caution them on their conduct.”

Speaking on behalf of the association, its President and former director, State Security Service (SSS), Barrister Mike Ejiofor, stated that as security professionals, they we will not watch politicians in their desperation for power to destroy the country.

While supporting Naira redesign policy, which according to him will help in reducing money politics, Ejiofor attributed the scarcity largely to politicians who would have hijacked available notes for possible vote buying.

He however asked the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to make the new notes available to ease the suffering of the masses.

Ejiofor said: “The Executive members of AANISS, having studied the recent unfolding political, and security climate in our dear country, especially with regards to the electioneering campaigns and the upcoming general elections, hereby condemn the unwholesome verbal and physical assaults by political gladiators and their supporters that have characterized the electioneering campaigns in recent times.

“After 23 years of democracy, it is heartbreaking that politicians still approach campaigns and elections in a such uncivilized and unpatriotic manner as if to say that winning an election is a do-or-die affair.”

The association also tasked security agencies and other stakeholders to step up their games by bringing such political miscreants, whose activities have the capacity to threaten the conduct of the elections, both at the campaigns stage as well as the actual voting stage to book.

“While commending these agencies who have put their lives and those of their family members on the line in defence of our collective wellbeing, we urge them to emplace more robust measures with a view to stemming this evil tide to avoid escalation of its associated consequences.”

While expressing confidence in the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to conduct free, fair and credible elections despite a series of attacks on its facilities, Ejiofor charged it to ensure that elections are won at the polls and not at the court, as is becoming a common occurrence.

On the fear of vote buying, the association reminded Nigerians of the consequences of such actions, stressing that it is only by voting for the rightful candidate that the future is guaranteed.

