Security cameras to be mandatory at day cares in South Korea

South Korea ministry of health

South Korea ministry of health and welfare has instructed new day care centres in the country to set up security cameras, as part of government efforts to curb child abuse.

The ministry said on Friday in Seoul that security cameras should be installed in places where babies and kids spend most of their time, and store footage for more than 60 days.

The ministry said the move is mandatory for new day care centers to win approval from the ministry, and is set to take effect Saturday.

It said all existing centres were given a three-month grace period to set up security cameras.

The ministry said parents can ask centres to disclose footage when child abuse or safety accidents are suspected.

Day cares are required to notify where and when to provide the footage within 10 days.

The ministry also said any centre would be shut down if serious child abuse occurs.

In January, a 4-year-old girl was assaulted by her day care teacher, causing a national uproar.

Footage from security cameras showed the 33-year-old female teacher punched the child on the side of her head after seeing that she hadn’t finished her meal at a day care in Incheon, a port city just west of Seoul.

The girl collapsed to the floor, with her two legs up in the air,’’ it said.

The ministry said the case prompted the government and the ruling Saenuri Party to unveil a set of measures to toughen punishment for child abuse at day care centres.

