Security officer rescues three persons from sex slavery in Rivers

A chief security officer of Nkpolu, Oroworukwo, Mile 3 diobu, in Port Harcourt City council of Rivers State, Godstime Ihunwo, has narrated how he rescued three children, a male and two females, aged 10, 12, and 13 years respectively, from alleged torture and sex slavery.

Ihunwo, in an interview, narrated that while on patrol with his men on January 27, 2022, at 10:00 pm, he saw the three children with their luggage stranded and distressed.

He said upon interrogating them, they told him that they had ran away from home due to alleged ill-treatment and ‘sex’ slavery.

According to Ihunwo, who said he brought the children to his office and informed a human rights advocacy group, what children had told him that their supposed aunty, Blessing Ibilaba, who is late, had told them they were adopted from an orphanage home.

He added that their present guardian, who is Ibilaba’s brother, took custody of them after her death.

MEANWHILE, the human rights advocacy group, Centre For Basic Rights Protection and Accountability Campaign, handling the matter, revealed, yesterday, that late Ibilaba’s brother’s son, who is a corps member, had allegedly been defiling the girls.

Gladys Onyenmwen, a member of the organization, told The Guardian that on getting the information, they took the children to Rumulomeni Police Division at Iwofe, where the guardian resides and as well informed the Ministry of Social Welfare.

She said: “Our major concern is the revelation made by the underage girls that the son to their present guardian, who is a youth corps member allegedly defiled them and has constantly raped them.”

She added: “We are demanding that a thorough investigation should be carried out to serve justice in the matter to all the parties in the matter”.

However, the three girls have been handed over to the Ministry of Social Welfare, and the said youth corps member could not be reached on his telephone line.


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