Security Operatives Says That Boko Haram insurgents Have Recruited Miscreants, Hoodlums And Animals

Boko-HarammSecurity operatives in Kaduna have warned the people in the State of an alleged plot by Boko Haram insurgents to employ some hoodlums and miscreants during the coming Sallah celeberation to torment trouble and unleash terror in the State.

The joint armed security task force in the state also warned the people of the new devise by the Insurgents to use animals in the course of their terror in order to unleash mayhem.

Urging the Kaduna public to be security sensitive during the Sallah period, the Coordinator of Kaduna State owned joint security task force, comprising armed soldiers, police, civil defence and popularly known as Operation Yaki, Colonel Yakubu Yusuf (rtd) who unfolded the intelligence reports, warned the people in the State to be security conscious as some miscreants are planning to unlease terror in the State on the day of sallah celebration.

A statement signed by the Special Assistant to the Coordinator, Mallam Isa Adamu, said , security operatives have been tasked to be more proactive at worship centres, parks, recreational centres and highways to nip in the bud any mischious moves in the State .

Besides, the statement also warned the general public to avoid accommodating unknown persons who may come under the pretext of seeking one favour or the other.

Accordingly, the Kaduna State Coordinator of Operation Yaki, Colonel Yusuf (rtd) called on all security operatives in the State “to be more proactive, extra vigilant and ensure that adequate deployment of operatives at all Worship Centre’s, Parks, Recreational Centre’s and connecting highways in the State due to the current security challenges facing the northern part of the country.”

He said: “Intelligence reports gathered revealed that some miscreants popularly known as ‘SaraSuka’ or ‘Masu-Shara’ would unleash terror in Kaduna metropolis and its environs during the Sallah festivities and therefore advised parents to warn their wards to desist from any act that will bring about the breach of law and order in the State as perpetrators will be dealt severely according to the law.”

“The general public are also advised to avoid accommodating unknown persons especially women at home as they will come with the pretext of easing themselves or ask for drinking water as they may be harboring explosives in their bodies and urged the public to be extra vigilant in their domain to ensure their personal safety and that of their beloved ones.”

“Traditional rulers should also be tasked to document any person/tenant in their communities to avoid harboring criminals that may become nuisance to the society”.

Yusuf further argued: intelligent report revealed that Boko Haram are devising new tactics in carrying out their nefarious activities by way of using unsuspected members of the public especially children and young girls wearing hijab, other tactics suspected to be devised by the group is the use of animals, hence the need to enlighten the general public to be extra vigilant and report any suspicious persons to the security agencies immediately for prompt action”.

“Operatives were also urged to be changing their modes of operation in order to counter the criminals’ intelligence and also ensure that law abiding citizens in the State continue their normal activities in a peaceful environment this festive period”.



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