Security operatives kill two bandits, recover guns, ammunition in Kaduna

Nigerian Army

Security operatives in Kaduna have neutralised two bandits during a gun duel and recovered guns and ammunition.

The bandits had earlier killed a 60-year-old man in his farm when they raided Kuriga town in Kaduna community.

Spokesperson for the state’s Police Command, ASP Mansir Hassan, in a statement yesterday, said Malam Isiyaka Mikailu, a 60-year-old male resident of Kuriga town, was killed by the bandits on May 18, at about 9:00 a.m., while he was on his farm.

He said upon receiving information of the attack, the Mobile Police Unit commander deployed to Kuriga on special duty by the Inspector General of Police mobilised a team of officers and local hunters at about 12:00 a.m., and proceeded to the scene.

“Upon arrival, the armed bandits confronted the team in a gun battle. During the duel, two armed bandits, Yusuf and an unidentified accomplice, were neutralised. The team successfully recovered two AK-47 rifles and 17 rounds of live ammunition.

“The body of the deceased farmer was also recovered and taken to Primary Health Centre, Kuriga, where he was confirmed dead by a medical doctor. His remains were subsequently handed over to his relatives for burial in accordance with Islamic rites,” he said.

Hassan added: “The unit remains on high alert to prevent any further incidents. The Kaduna State Commissioner of Police, Ali Audu Dabigi, urges the public to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the police.”


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