Seeds Council Raids Kano Markets


DISTURBED by the flow of fake and adulterated seeds into the Nigerian markets, the National Agricultural Seeds Council has embarked on raids of such markets, with Sabon Gari market, Kano being the latest in the clamp down.

According to the Deputy Director for Quality Control of the Council, Mr. Agboola Adebayo, it embarked on the patrol in an effort to ensure that seeds that get to farmers were of good quality, to see that dealers were operating in line with standard rules and regulations governing the industry and to also get rid of fake and adulterated seeds from the market.

He observed that problems in seeds industry bring about a situation of low income as well as low standard of living, stressing that it has effect on people’s health.

“We need to checkmate this before it gets out of hand. We are empowered to seize and even institute legal action against individuals or organisations, which appear to be notorious. And the punishment can be six months imprisonment or N500, 000 as fine, depending on the gravity of the offence,” he warned.

Adebayo warned that in case of aberration or smart game, licences could be withdrawn and some delisted just as it affected three companies in 2014.

On how to improve on their legally assigned responsibility, the Deputy Director assured that they would step-up their advocacy and manpower to see that marketers were well informed about what they sell to farmers.

He said the Council has only two able and six certification officers to man the whole of Northwest zone. 
During the raid, 11 bags of White OPV Maize seeds (22kg), 8 bags or FARO 44 Rice Seeds (16kg) and five bags of NOTORE Maize Variety Seeds (10kg) were seized.

