Seek legal redress, IPC tells persons hurt by media reports

Rather than threatening journalists over reports, the International Press Centre (IPC) has enjoined those who feel strongly affected by published stories to seek redress through legal channels

Programme Officer/Safety Alert Officer of IPC, Melody Lawal, in a statement yesterday, expressed concern about reported threats on the life of an investigative journalist, who is the Editor of the Next Edition, Ibanga Isine.

Isine reported the case to the Safety Alert Desk of IPC, saying that he was forced to abandon his home after death threats became intolerable.

Believing that his ordeal was connected with the reports on massacres in Southern Kaduna, the journalist stated: “I have been investigating the Southern Kaduna killings for months now, and I have just recently published the last part in a four-part series on the bloody attacks in the zone. In the course of the investigation, two of my sources were attacked; one was killed along with his son three months old baby. Another source escaped and his neighbours paid dearly when the killers could not find him.”

Isine was said to have discovered unusual activities on his phone, including sudden light up at night and inability to disconnect, switch off or re-start the phone several minutes after calls.

IPC called on the Federal Government and the security agencies to ensure that the journalist was not harmed in any way.

It also appealed to other national, regional and international media freedom groups and human rights bodies to join in the clamour for his safety.

“Time has come to stop attacks on journalists in Nigeria, so that the country would stop being counted among dangerous zones for journalists to practice,” the centre added.


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