Seeking the peace and prosperity of the city (3)

Abel Ukachi Amadi

The Babylonians seized Jerusalem and marched its citizens across desert miles into exile in Babylonia. The people of Israel were separated from their land and the Babylonians settled them in a region of the country, near River Chebar that had been devastated by the war between Babylonia and Assyria.

Their job was to redevelop that devastated land. Some false prophets spoke the easy, optimistic word to the exilic community that this exile will end soon, that they should not unpack their luggage and that they will soon return to Jerusalem. Jeremiah knows better. Back in Jerusalem, he writes a letter to the exiles: “You have a future, and it is under God’s providential aegis, but it will be in Babylon.”

Jeremiah told them to build houses, plant gardens, take wives, have children and multiply, but seek the welfare of the city (Babylon) where I have sent you, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare. These are the activities of establishing a community for a long period of time.

Jeremiah’s letter to the exilic community was an encouragement to begin establishing roots and work towards building a possible life in community, a ‘home away from home.’ They needed to stop living out of their suitcases, begin establishing roots, maintain and continue family ties and work towards peace and community building in their own neighbourhoods.

All around them were Babylonian idols. They were to create a place of compassionate counterculture and social alternatives where violence, exploitation and idolatry do not reign. Having been conquered, humiliated and deported by military force, the exiles are embittered, vengeful and dream of an imminent return to Jerusalem, but Jeremiah writes to them to seek the wellbeing of the land of your enemies. For their wellbeing is also your wellbeing. Their peace is also your peace. Pray for their land. It is an illustration of the political significance of love for one’s enemies.

This calls for commitment to seeking the peace and the wellbeing of our cities and our neighbourhoods. The Church should not only be restrained into their private space, but should sometimes also invade the public space to take up social responsibilities for the good of the public. The wellbeing of the Churches are bound up with that of the cities the Churches are situated.

• Today’s Nugget: Bless Your City. Prayer: Lord bless and prosper my City. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria

As Christians, we must be patriotic citizens to show love for our country, not to engage in activities that will disturb the peace of our country and to do everything within our powers to promote its welfare.

We have a duty to seek the peace of the city we live in by lifting them in prayers.

Seek the good of the company where you work. Do not steal or cheat your organisation because it will affect you badly. Seek the welfare of the company; for if it thrives, you will thrive. No organisation or workplace grows without workers contributing positively to it. Are you contributing to the growth of your workplace or are you running it down? Galatians 6:7 says: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows that will he also reap.” Pray for your company and make praying for your company a serious matter.

When you pray, peace will reign, workers will be divinely protected, accidents will be averted and God will touch the hearts of the management to favour the workers.
• Today’s Nugget: Bless Your City. Prayer: Lord bless and prosper my City. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria


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