Seinde Signature’s ‘Scentiversary3’ winners for Milan fair trip emerge

CEO Seinde Signature Salon de Parfum, Olufemi Olaseinde Olusola and Brand Manager, Seinde Signature Salon de Parfum, Oreoluwa Olusola at the event recently.

As its yearly culture, the internationally recognised museum of perfume in Nigeria, Seinde Signature Salon de Parfum has again selected winners through a raffle contest at the Lagos branch recently for an all-expense-paid trip to the magical niche fragrance focused city of Milan, Italy in March 2024. This is in commemoration of its “Scentiversary 3” as a niche fragrance brand.

Speaking at the event, CEO of Seinde Signature Salon de Parfum, Olufemi Olaseinde Olusola said: “As a world class brand that specialises in niche fragrances through our unique fragrance Experience Studio, the first of its kind in Nigeria and Africa, which offers a selection of the rarest and most sophisticated perfumes in the world and a retail chain called Salon de Parfum, the trip is our way of giving our clients a global experience of the industry in honour of our three years of service.

The two winners: Mrs. Adie Anne Martina and Mr. David Ichaba will be travelling with us to Milan to attend and experience the spectacular ‘Esxence Perfumery Fair’ and have plenty of exciting activities together. Also, Joy Olujare, one of our staff in Abuja won a ticket for the all-expense- paid trip. The trip will include special gifts and private events hosted by our exclusive international partners.”

On the process for selection of winners, Olusola said: “Entries began on July 1, 2023 and we had clients collecting fragrances worth 500k to qualify for a raffle ticket and eventually we got our winners.”
