Seized goods worth 21m CEFA released after pastor’s prayer

Testifiers sharing their testimony at the event in Togo crusade

My name is Veramiya Oluwatoyin. I have come to testify to the glory of God. Formerly, l hated the Lord’s Chosen with a passion, but today, God has made my husband and l members of the church, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

In February this year, my husband went to Kalume to buy cocoa from a local supplier, having bought some goods, the next thing was to load the goods and come back. The goods worth 21 million Cefa. In fact, it was more than 21million,but the concise estimate was just put at 21 million. As my husband was about to load the goods, the authorities concernedcame in and seized the goods on the condition that the goods had no papers.

At this juncture, my husband began to cry like a baby, because the money he used for the goods, was not all his. Some people contributed the money and would not believe that the goods were confiscated.They would say that my husband connived with the authorities to with held the goods. As my husband was crying and walking home confused, he saw a church and entered it; eventually, the church was the Lord’s Chosen. The pastor enquired from him what the matter was, but my husband was still crying, the pastor consoled him and told him to pull himself together because there is nothing God cannot do.

At last, he controlled himself and told the pastor his ordeal and the pastor prayed for him and also asked him to come to service the next day, which he did. After service that day, the pastor prayed for him and told him to go back to the authorities that seized his goods. Under normal circumstances, once such seizure is done, no Jupiter can recover the goods but because the servant of the Most High God has said he should go back to them, he obeyed and went back to the authorities that seized his goods. When he got to them, they began to beg him that he should forgive them that though, they would not return the goods to him, they will sell the goods and give him the money.

And true to their promise, they sold the goods and gave him the money, which was 21million Cefa. P-r-a-i-s-e, the Lord! God of the Chosen is so great. May His name be glorified in Jesus’ name. I pray for our General Overseer and all Chosen members across the world for God togrant us the grace to make heaven at the end of this life in Jesus’ name…amen!


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