SGF Urges ICT Practitioners’ Participation in Politics


BABACHIR Lawal, secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), has called on Information Communication Technology (ICT) practitioners not to shy away from politics.

Lawal made the remark while receiving NCS’ professional fellowship at the National Information Technology Merit Awards (NITMA) 2015.

He said the ICT practitioners’ participation in politics is the surest way to get into government and be able to formulate and implement ICT policies that will help to drive the country’s economy course forward.
“ICT is a money spinner for the growth of any economy, the success of any government is largely based on the deployment of ICT solutions, so you should be encouraged to participate in politics, so as to bring professionalism into running of government institutions,” Lawal said.

Lawal, who bagged the Professional Fellowship award alongside 20 other Nigerians said the government will continue to encourage investment into the ICT industry with regulatory policies that would move the country forward.

He reiterated the position of information technology as critical to any government that aspires to move forward in the digital age.

The SGF also lauded the contributions of the sector towards the successes recorded during the 2015 election, adding that the deployment of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the electioneering process has brought transparence in the system. The National Information Technology Merit Awards (NITMA) is an annual event, where NCS, an umbrella body comprising IT professionals and interest group recognizes, reward and honour excellence in the field of IT and also to promote innovation in Nigeria’s technology space.

According to Prof. Adesola Aderounmu, NCS’ president, NITMA awards are in line with the society’s strategy of celebrating heroes in the sector to stimulate outstanding performance that will drive real inclusive development and transformation in Nigeria through IT.
“The NITMA is an event to honour those who have made a giant stride and significant impact in expanding the frontiers of IT in Nigeria,” he said.

He explained that the awards are categorized and based on IT specialization, NCS standards and global best practices. Among the categories of awards is the Professional Fellowship that was conferred on deserving practitioners.

