Shade Okoya Turns Style Dictator For Celebrity Ladies

Shade-OkoyaRECENT comments indicate that the style attitude of Shade, wife of billionaire businessman, Alhaji Rasaq Akanni Okoya is the parameter of a good dress sense outside the shores of Nigeria, particularly London.

Those behind this assertion maintain naturally that this claim holds water among her band of likeminds.

Information revealed that it is common comment to hear, ‘what did Shade wear to that occasion?’ after a social engagement has come and gone.

Such outfits along with the fashion apparels are said to usually end up being replicated at subsequent social engagements.

The trend is said to be the vogue among friends and fans that look up to her in the Nigerian communities of London and the United States of America.

Those who should know explained that fast becoming aware that she has gradually become a style dictator among these individuals, the wife of the boss of famed Eleganza Industries, is said to now take pains to get wears, preferring to go for attires that are rare and expensive to come by.

Though it’s yet to be confirmed how much it takes for her to sustain the role she attained this height of fashion, she spends over N1million to dress to fit the image of the exorbitant Okoya clan taking into consideration the ornaments that caress different parts of her body.

Shade attained her present height by moving out of the shadows of the older and elegant society ladies and moving in the circle of younger and trendier wives of men of means.

Backed with her husband’s money and dignity, and with her own cultured high fashion taste, this move afforded her the opportunity to weave together her own clique. This served as a spring board for her to become a rising force in the midst of aging powerful dressers.

What Muhammed Babaginda Spends On First Love


If there is one game some Nigerians have suddenly fallen head-over-heels in love with, it would definitely the game of soccer.

However, competing favourably with soccer game, which has a long list of Nigerian elites as members and key players of the various clubs, is the rich game of polo.

The game has over the years won to itself some of the richest Nigerians who have continuously lavished millions of naira on the game.

While some have acquired wealth through their long-standing family names, others have over the years built a name for themselves in the business world. One of such people who have spent a fortune for the love of the game is Muhammed Babaginda.

Baba, as he is fondly called by friends and admirers, is undoubtedly one of the most prominent Nigerian polo players who spends big on the game.

Son of the ex-military president of Nigeria, Ibrahim Badamosi Babaginda, Muhammed has won so many hearts with his skills and determination to continually succeed at what he does . Muhammed’s ponies are said to be most expensive and spoilt; he occasionally flies them around for competitions.

A few years back, Muhammed’s dexterity and love for the game was said to have won the heart of a Lagos top businessman, John Obayuwana, who reportedly gave him a wrist watch worth N1million. He owns El-Amin Polo Club.

Tongues Wag Over Moji Dokpesi’s Sudden Disappearance
Tongues have continued to wag over the sudden disappearance of high society mama, Moji Dokpesi. And this has become a major discourse among the fans and associates of the Ijebu, Ogun State born socialite.

Moji, the ravishing wife of Chief Raymond Dokpesi before she became scarce in the society, causes heads to turn like a revolving wheel every time she makes an appearance in public.

A long-standing socialite, Moji is the eldest sister of the famous Ogungbe siblings and she has been elusive from the social scene for some time now.

When she has to appear for an occasion, she puts up a cameo appearance that it has become impossible to see her a few minutes after she graces the event with her impressive presence.

While she was around, Moji dazzled everyone with her infectious smiles and endearing glint in her eyes. It would be recalled that Moji adopted this elusive attitude months after her mother, Madam Onojoke Ogungbe, aged 80, passed away.

Until her death and burial in Ijebu, Ogun State, last year, Moji was reportedly the closest to her among the children who include Kenny Ogungbe of Kennis Music, Idowu Ogungbe and Kenny Saint Brown.

On the day of the final burial, Moji played the perfect host and moved from table to table to ensure that all the guests were well attended to. But no sooner than her mother was laid to rest in that colourful funeral than Moji staged a disappearing act from the social scene where she was a permanent feature.

These days, she dedicates her time fully to her office and business headquarters in Apapa, Lagos. She also reportedly now shuttles between Lagos and Abuja where her husband spends much of his time these days.

Ikenna Emeka’s Olive Branch Clinic Berths


Still basking in the euphoria of a series of giant strides and impressive professional feats, youthful Dr Ikenna Emeka recently added another feather to his professional cap as the youthful fertility consultant held an official public launch of his much touted fertility centre.

Tagged Olive Branch Clinic, the highly cerebral event was held at its tastefully-built corporate head office situated along Admiralty Way in the highbrow Lekki area of Lagos.

Described by stakeholders in Nigeria’s medical industry as a watershed in the giant strides in Nigeria’s medical history, especially as it concerns the ever-increasing reproductive challenges confronting Nigerians, the event was held amidst pomp and pageantry.

It attracted dignitaries drawn from Nigeria’s medical industry. Nigeria’s foremost on-air-personality, Yaw was the ccompere.

According to Dr. Ikenna Emeka, CEO, Olive Branch Clinic, the initiative was necessitated by the need to provide succor to Nigerians with reproductive challenges. “Olive Branch Clinic is a child of necessity born with the objective of raising the standard of assisted conception practice in Nigeria which, invariably, would also add, to a very large extent, an appreciable value to the fertility challenges being faced by Nigerian couples.

“Infertility is a common and distressing problem which often creates pressure in a previously stable and happy relationship. Peculiar to us in sub Saharan Africa is the large premium our culture places on immediate procreation and child bearing. In view of these contending realities, Olive Branch Clinic is committed to providing diverse range of medically-approved and proven assisted reproduction therapies with the ultimate aim of putting smiles on the faces of Nigerian couples”, he said.

Nigeria’s renowned fertility and assisted conception icon, Prof. Oladapo Ashiru; Dr. Faye Iketubosin and Rev. Tope Tapera were amongst several other personalities at the event. In his remark, Prof Ashiru praised Dr Emeka for his vision and urged Nigerians to embrace the assisted reproductive initiatives which, according to him, is about giving nature a helping hand.

“With the opening of this fertility centre and continuous research and practice, I am optimistic that fertility challenges will be brought to the barest minimum level in Nigeria”, Ashiru said.

Aisha Guobadia Smiles Again
When you talk about young and very enterprising business women in Lagos years back in Lagos, one of the very first names that came to mind was Aisha Guobadia, the purveyor of gold. So much in demand was her gold that her shop was the toast of the mighty and affluent in the society, from the very top of the military hierarchy to the civil society. Aisha was not only the Queen of gold business on Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos; she was known and respected in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

The Edo State born socialite is one of the few Nigerians respected on the basis of her high and sophisticated taste in business circles. The high society lady, who enjoys driving only SUV cars, suddenly disappeared from the social firmament and for more than three years, tongues have wagged as to her sudden whereabouts. With her absence, few close sources reasoned that business went bad for her so she had to take a break, re-strategize and re-launch herself.

Now, the very beautiful and friendly lady of style who is always a head-turner anywhere she goes has since returned with a bang. Goubadia, while speaking recently with High Society revealed what led to her disappearance.

“I must confess that I ran into trouble with the line of business I was well known for, that is selling gold. I was almost bankrupt due to the volume of debts. My so-called friends and top society ladies, as you call them, owed me. Most of them prefer to buy from me because of the value they get them from what Isell. They buy and when it is time to pay, they either start telling stories or you don’t see them again and by nature, I am a very reserved person who will never quarrel over ephemeral things.

“When the debts became too much, it affected my business. So I shut down and put my attention on my son, who Michael who now became the centre of my life. At a point, I was also out of the country. On my return to the country, I took a very careful look at the situation of things in the country. I found out that a lot has changed in our society. To survive, you have to be smart and know the terrain very well before you delve into any business.

“My own idea of an ideal business is all about perfection. If you want to do something, please do it very well and take it to perfection. My new business line is interior decoration and I tell you, people have started knowing me for that because I put my entire mind and my soul into it. The name is St. Clair Ventures located on Allen Avenue Ikeja, Lagos. With this new business, the sky is our limit”, Guobadia enthused.

Has Golden Gate Plaza Been Sold Now?

Golden gate hotel
Golden gate hotel

That is the major question on the lips of the several die-hard customers following the latest rumour miling around town of the famous restaurant and bar which dictated the pace in the entertainment world in the 90s.

It would be recalled that late Chief Solomon Adebayo Ayoku was in the news sometime ago. You may be wondering, because the man was lowered six feet a few years ago.

The fact is that the man who carved his name in stone in the social circuit before death came calling left behind some legacies with which he is still remembered till today.

But with what is fast becoming the lot of these legacies, one may not be right to infer that everything is being done by the family he left behind to trade them away and obliterate what is left of his properties.

A series of news then spread like wild bush fire that many of the man’s properties were being put up for sale. But since they remained at the realm of speculation, they were taken with a pinch of salt.

But it is now out that one of the outstanding symbols of the man’s affluence, the Golden Gate Plaza, has been sold to some foreign investors after negotiations between the family and the buyers.

Though no reasons were given by the family for the sale, information has it that the sale became necessary to forestall imminent trouble among the children of the man, who used to be referred to as ‘Gbengbeleku’.

The massive building located on Kingsway Road, Ikoyi, is said to have been sold to Sony Ericsson. But in a swift reaction, some of the deceased’s children have since denied the bad rumour.

They said the property is still 100 percent Ayokus’, and that some people are just spreading the rumour in the media to embarrass the family.

However, with the latest gist milling around town again, indications are that the place has been sold.

On Bukola Adubi’s Midas Touch


Those who know her say she is a lady with the midas touch who literally turns everything into gold indeed.

Bukola Adubi is an astute business administrator who has made her mark in the nation’s hospitality terrain.

A lady who sure knows what it takes to run a company and keep it at the top of the ladder.

It’s easy to see why Mic Com Golf Resorts, has become a tourist destination of choice.

The resort which is located in the serene and alluring landscape of Ada, Osun State is managed by Bukky, who has truly carved a niche for herself and Mic Com Golf Resorts in Nigeria.

Although she trained as a Pharmacist at the prestigious Victoria University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, she honed her managerial skills with a Masters Degree in Hospitality Management from Cornell University, New York, United States of America.

Today, there is no doubt that her training as a pharmacist coupled with her master’s degree in hospitality management has impacted greatly on her job at the numero uno resorts centre. Guests and patrons of the high-flying golf resort have continued to testify to the first class treatment they receive at the resort, the uniqueness and the panache with which staff of the resort discharge their duties.

All these truly demonstrate and reflect Adubi’s industry, innovativeness and ingenuity. A dynamic manager and a firm believer that hard work and steadfastness are basic requirements for success in every field of human endeavour, she has taken the resort into the league of best-managed hotels in Nigeria.

And with her managerial sagacity, Mic Com Golf Resorts has consistently been voted best hotel in the South West region of Nigeria.

Little wonder, her diligence has paid off handsomely. Today, she is a recipient of many awards. A member of the prestigious Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, Adubi is a perfectionist who believes that whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well.

She is also a patriotic Nigerian who believes so much in this country, saying that Nigeria has what it takes to becoming the best in the world.

Mursty Adinoyi Unveils Plans To Celebrate Nigerians


If there’s one man who can be termed ambitious, and that tag would fit him perfectly, then that man is Mursty Adinoyi, producer-presenter of celebrated TV entertainment programme, Hitlist N Cruzin. Adinoyi is not however selfishly ambitious.

He’s ambitious to celebrate Nigerians, which is what he does on Hitlist N Cruzin. And he says his overriding ambition is to celebrate Nigerians even more than he’s doing presently.

“On Hitlist N Cruzin, we celebrate Nigerians,” he told High Society. “We celebrate them by asking a question, selecting a winner among those who answer the question, and taking the winner on a shopping cruise on which he or she buys whatever he, she likes at our expense.”

Speaking further, he said initially, it was only people in Lagos that they used to take on shopping cruise, but eventually, with the national appeal of Hitlist N Cruzin since it started airing on the AIT network, they have started cruising people outside Lagos too as many people answer the weekly question from outside Lagos.

But even with this progress made, Adinoyi, like Oliver twist, is not satisfied, and still wants more. “I really want to celebrate Nigerians more than I’m doing right now, and that’s why I won’t rest until Hitlist N Cruzin has celebrated Nigerians all over the country and on every street of the nation.

“I won’t rest until people can attest to the fact that Hitlist N Cruzin came to their street to celebrate someone there,” he declared. And on how soon he thinks he can achieve this lofty ambition? “It’s not impossible. I believe dearly that I’ll achieve it, and I’m sure that it’ll be soon.”

