Shilenge Thembi Portia: South African trailblazer impacting lives

Shilenge Thembi Portia is quickly becoming a household name across Africa. This young entrepreneur and philanthropist is making waves in the world of cryptocurrency and using her success to empower others.

Shilenge Thembi is the CEO of Crypto Dimensions, a company that teaches people how to trade and invest in cryptocurrencies. She began her own crypto journey back in 2016, a time when digital currencies were still a novelty. This foresight has made her a leader in the field.

But Thembi’s vision extends beyond personal gain. She is passionate about financial inclusion, particularly for women. This passion led her to found Fems In Tech, a movement that celebrates and supports female leaders in fintech, business, and finance.

Fems In Tech is not just about building businesses; it’s about creating real-world change. The group is actively working to develop inclusive financial products, leverage technology to make finance more accessible, and promote diversity within the industry.

Shilenge Thembi’s commitment to helping others extends beyond the realm of finance. On Children’s Day, she led members of Fems In Tech on a heartwarming visit to a clinic and school for disabled children. The group provided meals to help the children before they received medical treatment.

“It’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished,” Thembi says. “It’s about who you’ve lifted up. Who you have made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”

Thembi is also a role model for young people. She believes it’s never too early to learn about financial literacy and is even teaching her own children the basics of trading and investing.

This remarkable woman’s journey is particularly inspiring because of her humble beginnings. Born and raised in a small South African village, Thembi overcame challenges to achieve success. She graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering from Tshwane University of Technology and has never forgotten her roots.

In 2023, Shilenge Thembi returned to her alma mater and donated 50,000 sanitary pads to five schools. This act of generosity ensured that girls wouldn’t miss out on their education.

Shilenge Thembi Portia is a true trailblazer. Through cryptocurrency, mentorship, and philanthropy, she is making a lasting impact on Africa’s future.
