Shippers’ council bemoans rail tracks vandalism

Nigerian Shippers’ Council

Sets target for Funtua Inland Dry Port 

The Port Economic Regulator of the Nigerian Shippers’ Council (NSC) is worried over the vandalism and theft of railway tracks connecting the inland ports in the country. 

According to the council, the incessant cases of stealing of the national asset along Lagos/Kaduna, Kaduna/Zaria, Zaria/Funtua and Kano has crippled the commencement of train tranport of goods from and to the hinterland ports. 
Executive secretary of the council, Pius Akutah, raised the concern while inspecting the Funtua Inland Dry Port, Katsina, ahead of its inauguration.   Although, the dry port has commenced informal commercial conveyance of freight through heavy trucks on road, the use of rail is considered pivotal to cost-effectiveness, less risk and overall management of dry port. 

The shipper explained that the Federal Government “is assiduously harnessing energy to overcome the challenges and ensure the rail system is connected to the dry ports,” urging an end to needless obstruction of government investment. 
Akutah challenged Katsina government and locals around the railway to take ownership of the critical national asset, insisting that the Federal Government alone must not protect the entire facility within the states. 

While applauding the efforts of Funtua Inland Dry Port concessionaires on the project so far, the NSC boss called the management to intensify energy on completion of the facility to meet the target commissioning date. 
Akutah, who, alongside the management team of the council and Technical Adviser to the Minister of Marine and Blue Economy, Prof. Busayo Akinlade, were conducted round the facility, cited few lapses that should be urgently fixed. 
The minister’s aide specifically drew the attention of the port managers to open drainage and untarred ways around the warehouse, demanding the commitment of the concessionaire to complete work in two weeks. 
Managing Director, Funtua Inland Dry Port, Ahmad Dodo, said the management invested huge resources to officially kick-start operations at the facility, which is reportedly 95 per cent ready for commissioning. 
Funtua Inland Dry Port has already been accredited as port of origin and has been scheduled for official flag-off by President Bola Tinubu in the first quarter of 2024.


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