Show love to the poor at Valentine’s Day, Catholic bishop tells Nigerians

(Bishop Emmanuel Badejo, Catholic Diocese of Oyo

Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Oyo, Most Revd. Emmanuel Ade Badejo, yesterday, urged Nigerians to mark this year’s Valentine’s Day beyond mere amorous attraction, by visiting the sick and the poor and show them love.

In a statement he personally signed, the cleric noted that the sick and the needy are often neglected, adding that the 2022 Valentine’s Day should afford people the opportunity to make surprise package for the needy to make them feel loved.

He said: “Informed people know that the original Valentine story was about showing love to those in need. Besides, the trying period, which Nigeria is passing through at present, actually calls for true Valentine love, the type which embraces Lenten virtues like self-denial, sacrifice and laying down of one’s life for others. Indeed, there is yet a lot more to ponder about in the Lent in Valentine.

“Every year since 1992 on February 11, the Catholic Church celebrates a World Day of the Sick as established by Pope John Paul II the Great, a day of prayer and sharing, reminding everyone to see in his sick brother or sister the face of Christ. Occurring just three days before the Valentine’s Day set on February 14, it qualifies to be the Catholic Church’s Valentine for the sick and the poor.

“The theme of the Pope’s message for the World Day of the Sick this year is: “Standing Beside Those who Suffer on a Path of Charity”. The Church thus focuses our attention in a special way on the plight of the sick and the needy, people who most need our love and care, as well as on those who care for them.

“Now, I have often heard it said that poverty is in fact the highest form of disease. Going by this, Nigeria must be among the largest field for real Valentine celebrations all over the world.

“If indeed Valentine is truly a time for sharing love and care, then, all men and people of goodwill have every reason to extend Valentine 2022 sentiments beyond mere physical, amorous attraction.


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