Sign executive order on unexplained wealth, Ndume tells Tinubu

Ali Ndume

Says it’ll underscore war against corruption
Chief Whip of the Senate, Mohammed Ali Ndume, has called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to sign an Executive Order to check rising cases of unexplained wealth in the country.

Ndume, who made the call in an interview, yesterday, also hailed President Tinubu’s recent order that all revenues from the sale of crude oil be paid into an account with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

Ndume noted that issuing an executive order against unexplained wealth would demonstrate the administration’s seriousness to against corruption.

He specifically observed that many notable Nigerians, especially those in the political class, had embraced the sudden wealth syndrome, a situation, he observed, was gradually destroying the country.

He said: “The next thing now, if President Tinubu wants to fight corruption, would be to sign an Executive Order on Unexplained Wealth in this country.

“Let all these people explain where they got their money, including myself. People should stop talking about trivialities or personal issues; they should talk about national issues,” Ndume stated.

Speaking on the President’s order that money received from the sale of crude oil be paid to the CBN, Ndume urged Tinubu to expand the order and include all government agencies that generate revenues.

The lawmaker said agencies must not be allowed to keep government funds in commercial banks without proper monitoring, saying it would be safer in the confers of the CBN.

He said: “The President has now ordered that all crude oil sales should be paid into the CBN. That is a very welcome and positive thing that he has done and he should not stop there.

“All agencies of government that are revenue-generating should pay their money into the consolidated revenue account and as they present their budget, whatever expenditure they are going to incur, let them bring it before the National Assembly. That’s what the Constitution says.”

He said the decision by the President took was right because it is constitutional and it should be supported by everybody.

“NIMASA should pay directly like NNPCL into the CRF. The Nigeria Ports Authority (NPA) should do the same. Nigeria Customs Service and all other revenue agencies should pay revenues into the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federation and their accounts should remain with CBN because they can do banking.”


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