Simon Cowell Speaks About Accident For The First Time

Simon Cowell Speaks About Accident For The First Time/Getty Images

Music mogul and X Factor boss Simon Cowell has broken his silence about the bike accident that “nearly shattered his spine in pieces.”

Back in August, it was a rude shock to many as Simon was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery after an accident on his electric bike in Malibu.

Thankfully, doctors were able to get him on the road to recovery, but now Simon has told that it was a near miss, and he even feared he would never walk again.

In a report by The Mirror, the star said:

It could have been a lot worse. When I saw the X-ray, I really nearly could have smashed my spine to pieces, so I literally wouldn’t have been able to walk. I knew I’d broken my back the minute I landed. It was really, really kind of sudden and it hurt.

Close friend Terri, his girlfriend Lauren Silverman, and their son Eric were outside the hospital out of concern for Simon.

Simon gushed that without Lauren and Eric’s unwavering support and care he “couldn’t have got through it” – with the accident even bringing them closer as a family.

He added:

I’ve never been in this situation in my life where you literally can’t move. The pain was off the charts… But you’ve got to stay positive. I made a promise to myself I’d be fitter than I was before I had the accident. Sure enough, that’s what happened.

Now, after half a year, Simon is back to work.


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