Six Things You Must Do To Stop Addiction To Sport Betting

Nigerians need to understand ways to stop addiction to sport betting before it completely ruin us all. Six major things must be done for you to escape from this addiction. When it was reported that members of the House of Representatives were considering a ban on sports betting, many were unhappy with the decision while some others felt it was a good move.

While the discussion is still on, some of the reasons for the proposed ban were weak or neglected regulations of sports betting have given rise to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and addiction.

They also added that it had also led to strain or broken relationships due to lying or stealing from friends and family, financial problems, legal issues, and job loss due to excessive loss or debt.
Here are six important things you must do to help you stop addiction to sports betting.

Understand the Problem
Recognise the signs of gambling addiction, such as feeling a thrill when gambling, increased craving and failed attempts to stop. Seek professional assessment and support. Important, to understand its root is because you want more, even though that’s not generalised as some people gamble even when they have enough. This leads us to the next stage

Know What Triggers You To Sport Betting
Identify situations, thoughts, feelings, or behaviours that trigger your urge to enter into sport betting. Keep a journal to track the type of gambling, time spent, and emotions associated with each session. Once you know what triggers you, half of the problem is on the road to being solved.

Practice Gratitude Rather Than Jump The Ladder
Keep track of achievements, strengths, and attributes. Maintain a daily gratitude list to increase positivity, improve self-esteem, and prevent relapse. Once the urge comes, remember it’s a lot worse for others and that didn’t make them go into sports betting.

Challenge Your Beliefs
Most religious beliefs do not support sports betting, it’s time to use this philosophy to your advantage. Question irrational beliefs, the gambler’s fallacy, and superstitious thinking. Understand that each bet is random, challenging these thought patterns can help break the cycle of compulsive gambling.

Delay the Decision
When the urge to gamble arises, delay the decision. Take deep breaths, distract yourself, and visualize the potential negative consequences of giving in to cravings. Always imagine in the local parlance that the “Game will cut”.

Recognise the Benefits of Stopping
Reflect on the negative impact of gambling on your finances, relationships, and health. Set goals for a better future and focus on the positive aspects of overcoming addiction.
If you or someone you know needs help with gambling, or sport betting addiction in Nigeria, seek assistance from reputable organizations that specialize in addiction treatment.


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