Slain soldiers: Tinubu grants military ‘full authority’ to pursue justice, silent on reprisals 

Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Major General Taoreed Lagbaja PHOTO: Twitter

• Falana commiserates with bereaved families, decries collective punishment
• INC condemns killings, clarifies Okuama is Urhobo not Ijaw community 
• Alleged involvement of Tantita Security Services baseless, says source
• Ovie of Ewu-Urhobo Kingdom condemns ‘disheartening’ attacks on soldiers
• ‘Slain Lt. Col. led retaking of Dikwa, Marte from terrorists’

Shockwaves following the gruesome killing of 16 soldiers continued yesterday, amid reports that the community where the incident happened was razed in a reprisal.
Residents of Okuama, Delta State, reportedly fled for dear life as men believed to be military personnel from 91 Amphibious Brigade in Bomadi advanced, burned down houses, and allegedly killed some persons.
Communities in Bomadi and Ughelli South Local Councils were said to have been sealed off as troops staged a manhunt for the alleged killers of the soldiers.
The incident occurred on Thursday, when troops responding to a clash between Okuama and Okoloba communities in Delta State were ambushed. A Commanding Officer, two Majors, one Captain, 12 soldiers, and a civilian were killed.
A joint military task force, yesterday, recovered the bodies of 14 soldiers. Most of the corpses were said to have been naked as the attackers apparently fled with the uniforms. The bodies were moved into a military boat and taken away to an undisclosed location.
In a statement he personally signed, yesterday, President Bola Tinubu expressed “profound grief over the needless death” of the soldiers, adding: “The Defence Headquarters and Chief of Defence Staff have been granted full authority to bring to justice anybody found to have been responsible for this unconscionable crime against the Nigerian people.”
The President further vowed that his “government will not relent until we achieve peace and tranquility in every part of Nigeria.” He affirmed: “Members of our armed forces are at the heart and the core of our nationhood. Any attack on them is a direct attack on our nation. We will not accept this wicked act.”
According to the President, “this incident, once again, demonstrates the dangers faced by our servicemen and women in the line of duty. I salute their heroism, courage and uncommon grit and patriotism.
“As a nation, we must constantly remember and honour all those who have paid the ultimate price to keep our country safe, strong and united. The officers and men who died in Okuama community have joined the pantheon of great men and women who gave their all, with honour, in the service of our fatherland.”
The President, meanwhile, was silent on alleged reprisals by military personnel. But human rights lawyer, Femi Falana, having commiserated with families of the victims, said: “Having regard to the destruction of Odi and Zaki Biam over the killing of soldiers, the authorities ought to have taken adequate measures to prevent the attack and burning of affected villages.
“In view of the tragic turn of events, I call on the military authorities to halt destruction of the properties of innocent people in the warring communities. It ought to be pointed out that collective punishment is a serious offence under domestic and international law.”
Also, Delta State Governor, Sheriff Oborevwori, condemned the killings in a statement by Chief Press Secretary, Festus Ahon. He condoled with the families of the slain officers and soldiers, the Nigerian Army and the Armed Forces of Nigeria, stressing: “The state government shall take all measures necessary to fish out all those behind this dastardly act and ensure they are made to face the full wrath of the law.”  He added: “Delta State is governed by the rule of law and human decency. Acts such as these cannot and will not be tolerated. 
Reacting, the Ovie of Ewu-Urhobo Kingdom in Delta State, Clement O. Ikolo, said: “What has happened is very sad news. First of all, I would like to state clearly that when this whole crisis started between my community, Okuama and Okoloba, I was in the UK at the time; at some point early this year.
“I contacted the government regarding the crisis and the information they gave to me was that they had invited both parties to resolve the issue and that in fact, it has been resolved. That’s just the summary of what I know regarding the crisis.
“It is a very sad time for our kingdom. These military men are people who are there to protect our nation; they should be held in high esteem. They are there to protect us from people who are there to invade or to commit enormous crimes.
“It is very sad that the same people who are there to protect us will be killed in the process. It is disheartening and I totally condemn it. May their souls and souls of the faithful depart through the mercy of God rest in peace.”
Meanwhile, the Ijaw National Congress (INC) Worldwide strongly condemned the killings in a statement by National Publicity Secretary, Ezonebi Oyakemeagbegha, which described the act as barbaric, sad, and unfortunate.
The group was also quick to add that Okuama is an Urhobo community in Warri South Local Council and not an Ijaw community, as speculated in some national dailies.
It called on the Federal Government and security agencies to bring the culprits to book. It also sympathised with the families of Okoloba indigenes that were killed in the crisis.
Also, there were allegations that men belonging to Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited, an oil pipeline surveillance company, headquartered in Warri, Delta State, may have been behind the killings.
The security firm is chaired by Government Ekpemupolo, widely known as Tompolo. But a senior officer at the outfit, who didn’t want his name in print, said it was impossible that a team fighting oil theft in support of the Federal Government and security agencies would turn its guns against security personnel. 
“The allegation is baseless and false. We are sincerely committed to our course,” the source said. Nevertheless, some members of Okuama community, yesterday, called on Tinubu, Oborevwori, and the Chief of Army Staff to set up a panel of inquiry to unravel the true killers of the soldiers, insisting Tantita personnel were involved.
One Onajite Idiaphoro, particularly, said: “We were holding a regular community meeting on Thursday when some men in army uniforms and in a Tantita gunboat invaded the meeting, demanding to see our chairman. As soon as our chairman was identified, the men said that they were taking him to Bomadi for questioning. But the community women resisted because Okuama is under Ughelli South Local Council, and the chairman did not commit any crime.
“The men started shooting, killing two persons instantly and injuring many others before driving away. After four hours, the men came back with many gunboats, shooting sporadically into the community and killing many persons, including women and children before burning houses.
“How can our people who are mere fishermen and potato farmers have guns to fight, talk less of killing more than a dozen army officers, as wrongly reported?”
Also, a Lieutenant Colonel, Abdullahi Hassan Ali, was said to have led the retaking of Dikwa, Marte from terrorists.  A counter insurgency expert in the Lake Chad region, Zagazola Makama, who was a friend to the late commander, spoke glowingly about him, saying: “Lt. Col. Abdullahi Hassan Ali, a valiant and results-driven officer, had a distinguished career marked by courage, focus, and unwavering dedication to his duty. From his early days with the 198 Special Forces Battalion to his leadership in successful operations in the Northeast and beyond, Lt. Col. Ali exemplified the qualities of a true military leader.
“His leadership was tested in challenging missions, such as the operation in the Timbuktu Triangle and the retaking of Dikwa and Marte from terrorists. With each operation, Lt. Col. Ali displayed extraordinary bravery and strategic acumen, leading his troops to victory while securing critical objectives.
“Beyond the counterinsurgency operations in the Northeast, Lt. Col. Ali demonstrated his valour in combating bandits and stabilising troubled regions in Kaduna and Niger states. His unwavering commitment to his duty, his men, and the mission resulted in numerous successes against criminal elements threatening the peace and security of the region.
“Lt. Col. Abdullahi Hassan Ali’s legacy is one of bravery, professionalism, and unwavering dedication to serving his country. His meticulous attention to detail, commitment to the welfare of his officers and soldiers, and relentless pursuit of excellence set him apart as a true hero worth honouring.
“Lt. Col. Ali’s tragic end at the hands of those he swore to protect serves as a stark reminder of the sacrifices made by brave men and women in uniform. His story, along with that of his fallen comrades, resonates with the profound impact of their service and the ultimate price they paid in the line of duty.”


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