Snoop Dogg Amid Accusations Will Feature In ‘American Song Contest’


AMERICAN SONG CONTEST— Season: 1 — Pictured: Kelly Clarkson, Snoop Dogg — (Photo by: Chris Haston/Dave Bjerke/NBC)

Kelly Clarkson has boosted the show ‘American Song Contests’ which will have Snoop Dogg as partner when the show airs. 

Snoop Dogg despite being charged with sexual assault cases in February by an anonymous woman, will still take part in the show as Kelly Clarkson revealed posters of the show on her Instagram page where she tagged Snoop Dogg. 

Since the allegations against him, Snoop Dogg has refuted her claims tagging the anonymous woman a ‘gold digger’. 

The anonymous lady allegedly claims that Snoop Dogg and his business partner Bishop Don assaulted her in 2013.


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