Softly, softly Bishop Kukah

KukahSIR: It is shocking and disturbing to read about Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah’s disposition to official corruption in Nigeria.

Bishop Kukah is a brilliant writer; a beacon of our collective hope and aspiration, a religious activist who gave us hope during the dark days of evil administrations of Ibrahim Babangida and Sani Abacha. To hear that such odd statement is coming from the Reverend Father, and a man from the constituency of the people, is not only preposterous but pretentious of his past. He shouldn’t rubbish his past quintessential and etched legacy.

Nigeria is at last changing for good. The system is altruistically separating the husks of grains from the grasses. It’s a new dawn!

Our revered man of God just revealed the mindset of pretentious elite and also explained the synopsis of the general decadence in Nigeria. I unrepentantly corded with Buhari from day one because I am an inquisitor and have discerned Buhari’s mind as an incorruptible persona with zero tolerance for corruption; a transformational leader, and a no-nonsense-man who also means well for Nigeria.

To cleanse Nigeria’s mess, it requires the political disinfectant like Buhari. A man who belongs to plebeians but to nobody. A brash man whose anti-corruption stance will change Nigeria forever. Buhari should take heed of people around him. The events of the coming weeks in Nigeria will not be palatable for the children of corruption as they will be taking stock of their unholy acquisition of wealth in the court of law and public (plebeians) opinions.

Nigerians are tired of Hobbesian state; a state of hopelessness and despondency. We want to break away from the past to face the future with enthusiasm of which we campaigned; and massively voted in the last general elections.

Jonathan’s administration is our last collective journey to our ugly past. The future of Nigeria as a country is very bright, we are gradually returning to decency. Nigeria has a lot of resources yet untapped. It only needs to break away from the shenanigans of the past and face the future with unhindered progress and opportunity.

•Yahaya Balogun,
Arizona, USA.



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