Soludo, El-Rufai, Aig-Imoukhuede for event to reposition economy

El-Rufai. Photo/facebook/nasirelrufai

Governors Chukwuma Soludo and Nasir el-Rufai of Anambra and Kaduna states will today headline a high-level policy deliberation on creating a robust and resilient economic future for Nigeria.  

Both are panelists at the forum, jointly organised by Africa Programme of the United States-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Abuja-based Agora Policy in the Federal Capital Territory (FGCT)

Billed to attract the crème of the nation’s economic, political, academic and policy elite, the event is tagged: “How Nigeria Can Build a Post-Oil Economic Future.”

Other panellists are former CEO of Access Bank, Aigboje Imoukhuede; World Bank Country Director, Dr. Shubham Chaudhuri and Director of Carnegie Africa Programme, and Dr. Zainab Usman.  

Beyond their positions as state governors, Soludo and el-Rufai are to share diverse insights on economic and governance policy arena in Nigeria. Soludo, a Professor of Economics and former Governor of Central Bank of Niger the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE), are to bring to bear their rich knowledge in private sector, international development, policy advisory and research.

Aig-Imoukhuede, founder of African Initiative for Governance (AIF), on the hand, would explore imperative of collaboration between public and private sectors, while, erstwhile Professor of Economics at Columbia University, New York, will identify lessons from countries with similar size and challenges as Nigeria.

Usman is to draw from her academic research and work as pioneer Director of Carnegie Africa Programme. The event is holding in the wake of global conversation on climate change and transition from fossil fuel, Nigeria’s historic economic underperformance and current economic challenges, as well as inauguration of a new administration in the country later this month.


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