Soludo’s transition scheme foretastes his governance mode

Charles Chukwuma Soludo

Sir: If anyone ever wondered how Professor Chukwuma Soludo would drive his conviction for his envisioned Anambra State or the veracity of his avowals to clinically pursue his pact with ndi-Anambra, which is very well captured in The Soludo Solution: A People’s Manifesto for a Greater Anambra (a document he presented to the people of Anambra – largely upon which they gave him the mandate to govern); the size and quality of his Transition Committee, their terms of reference and other things he has begun to say and do as he readies to assume office would provide some guide to his dictum of functional disruptive intervention in governance.

If Soludo’s treatise concerning governance of his envisioned Anambra State failed to cause eruptions at discourses on his impending administration, the essence would have been dead on arrival. But, no; the depths of discussions in sociopolitical circles for and against the governor-elect’s posture are positive signs that the people are consciously interrogating the disruptive intervention order canvassed. Not a few people are rattled about the notable emphases on ‘disruptive’ and ‘disruption’ in the register of the incoming administration. But any reform that is capable of effecting systemic change is bound to be disruptive. Revolutionary changes in any polity are characterised by disruptions that allow radical alternatives to systemic overhaul en route a new order.

With an Oby Ezekwesili led Transition Committee of 80 persons of proven intellectual, professional and ethical ingenuity in public service, whose membership solely derives from their track records of efficiency in their various fields, other than hinge on partisan affiliations or claims of Anambra origin, the governor-elect is not hesitant in pointing at where he is headed: hardcore result-oriented decisions and policies towards making Anambra State “a homeland that is the preferred destination in which to live, invest, learn, work, relax and enjoy.” Soludo in seeking the Transition Committee’s contributions towards this mission advised them to reach out to whoever else they considered invaluable in their assignment.
Okechukwu Anarado wrote from Adazi-Nnukwu.

As arguments ensued for and against the “large size” and composition of Soludo’s Transition Committee, I asked, “Is there any standard number for such committee certified by any recognised statute which the governor-elect fouled; or has he contravened any recognisable noble precept regarding the geo-partisan spread of the committee’s membership?” Beside the often grumbly, “It is not done!” From a few, I am yet to receive any well considered affirmation on why Soludo’s preferences here should unnerve any dispassionate critic of his.

But why would people expect Soludo to confine himself to conjectures and practices whose efficacy rating is hazy and doubtful at best? Why must he succumb to the caprices of failed notions and observances just because such impressions or acts are assumed to be conventional, even when their embrace promises an endless entrapment in a vicious rigmarole in odious mediocrity? Of what use would Soludo’s globally professed ingenuity in grooming economies across the world be if he fails to deploy his deeply creative economic acumen and internationally acclaimed administrative expertise in governance of Anambra State?


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