Some truths are better left unsaid

SIR: The body language emerging from the wings of this country is alarming and is threatening the long marriage of amalgamation in 1914 to the national development. There is of course one wing among them that is deceiving itself ever since the amalgamation of this country and independence.

If democracy says “majority carry the vote” and three regions combined is less populated than the other region, definitely the time for the former to take a lead is not in existence, now or in the future. How then can we ensure fair play in national share?

Personally, I believe that in a country like this, with diverse views and cultures, having a leader from the perceived intellectual minority region, can create a fear of marginalisation and segregation in the person in charge, therefore, moderating the mode of governance than having a leader from the perceived less intellectual populated region. (I stand to be corrected).

To the regional security that is receiving the family issue treatment, it has revealed itself that the service chiefs know the mongers behind the industry. However, it is receiving a domestic treatment. “Namu namune.” There is need to shuffle the table and place the unknown person to the region and flush out the sponsors and neutralise the militias inside the bush. Can fear of dethronement allow that?

To evaluate the current situation, 75 per cent of the most influential government positions are rooted here in the North and yet they are practically not delivering. Most of the personnel are concerned with their gravy meals and what they zip off for retirement. This gives a fear to the West wing that if someone from the North region takes the lead again, how devastative our region would be. (Refer back to previous paragraph).

On the other hand, the insecurity from the North is traversing to other regions. That raises an alarm to the South wing. The impression is that, if the person in charge is from this region and 75 per cent of the key positions stem from there, why then can’t they put hands on desk and secure the region? Can we stare to this extent for this devastation to consume our land? Can we rely on the majority carry the vote notion and go for undefeatable election of population? Or are we losing this country to I don’t care attitude? This then gives rise to the secessionists to a large extent, call for restructuring and zoning. Nothing more, nothing less. But some truths are better left unsaid.

The fraternity of all Southern governors regardless of party and regional affiliation is of course clear indication that indeed one region has the national interest at heart and the other is retentive to industrialisation of banditry and insecurity.

If America today attains this position of self acclaimed superpower with more than 50 countries sewed together, taking aside their differences, I don’t see the reason Nigeria will divorce from the more than hundred years marriage that each region is benefiting from.
Ahmad Murtala wrote from Gombe State University.


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