‘Someone Help Me, I’m Lost’

confussedmenI am 40-year-old man from the Western part of Nigeria, have a good job and also happily married to a good and caring wife who has already given me two lovely children.

The issue here is that there is this cousin of hers, who has been staying with us for a couple of years now, after a year I and my wife got married.

Though she is no doubt a very beautiful lady, this awkward attitude of mine started a few years back. My wife innocently permitted her to go with me to a friend’s bachelors eve.

That night, I didn’t know what came over me and I could remember I wasn’t really drunk nor tipsy, while the groove was on. I held her hand closely and started telling her how beautiful and attractive she looked.

Then I cuddled her, we kissed and romanced and since then, I have made several attempts to sleep with her but she refused, saying she does not want to hurt my wife. Then I started noticing she was avoiding me.

Though I let her be most times, the problem now is that I desperately want to sleep with her and I see this as a quest I must accomplish. This thought has eaten deep into me and I have lost my relationship with God.

Our family prayer time has suffered over this issue and now we don’t pray together again. I have tried to influence my wife to send her cousin away and even told the girl to leave but there is nowhere to send her especially not when she has lost both parents.

I don’t even have any concrete reasons for sending her away because we have been responsible for her education and she just finished from the university.

She is 27 years old and I am thinking of forcing her so that I can get over this and get my life back. What do I do? Though it sounds funny but it is a very logical issue, I really need your advice please What do I do? Femi Advice: Please dear readers mail your comments, reactions or true love stories, quiz or personal experience u wish to share to this email: simonclar @yahoo.com

