Special athletes commend Sanwo-Olu over ‘Ability Games’

[FILES] Stadium track; EMORYWHEEL
Over 150 special athletes participated in Lagos ‘Ability Games,’ which took place at the Teslim Balogun Stadium, during the week.

The ‘Ability Games’ saw sports men and women with disability feature in athletics, shot put, wheelchair tennis, table tennis, cycling, chess, Ayo and blind football.

Excited by the games, the athletes applauded Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, for giving them opportunity to display their skills.

Senior Special Adviser to the Governor on People Living With Disability, Mrs. Adenike Oyetunde Lawal, commended Sanwo-Olu for sponsoring the games.

“I salute Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu and his Executive Council for making people living with disability to become able through this Games. You can see that athletes and officials with one disability or the other are feeling strong and excited.

“We are not surprised because the governor has never failed to carry along credible and good spirited individuals and groups. We are really excited with this ‘Ability Games,’ and I strongly believe it will be bigger and better. We have benefitted from the government commitment to social development and empowerment of people living with disability,” Lawal stated.

The duo of Rashidat Abade and Akeem Boshorun, who did well in athletics and shot put events, said in separate interviews that they were fully inspired with the ‘Ability Games’ and would look forward to the next edition with high hopes.


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