Stakeholder seeks professionalism in real estate industry

The Chief Executive Officer of Starzz Properties, Delytsome Emmanuel Umana, has reiterated his firm’s commitment to spotlighting the
extraordinary opportunities that the Nigerian real estate sector offers for property-related businesses.

Umana, one of the youngest and most dynamic profiles in the Nigerian real estate sector, also shed light on Starzz Properties’ journey to becoming a leading brokerage firm.

He revealed how the brand has successfully earned clients’ trust and confidence, recently being recognised as the Real Estate Brand of the Year.

He said: “Starzz Properties has diligently worked to instill client credence and reliability, guiding individuals in securing their dream homes and investment properties while maintaining an excellent reputation for swift and timely responses to client needs and concerns.

He said: “I confidently assert that our rapid progress in a brief duration is a result of our elevated standards in professionalism, integrity, and expertise. We remain committed to spotlighting the extraordinary opportunities that the Nigerian real
estate sector offers for property-related businesses.

“While the beginning posed challenges, our relentless pursuit of the dream has propelled us to the top. Placing clients’ interests first,
providing excellent deals at competitive prices,promoting negotiation, and embracing flexible payment plans have unequivocally allowed us to bridge gaps within the real estate business.”

Starzz Properties underscores that a significant catalyst for their
progress has been referrals.

Satisfied clients consistently provide stellar reviews, and this word-of-mouth promotion has become a substantial source of new business for the company. Furthermore, as the company diligently oversees customers’ property interests, it ensures they benefit from expert commercial and residential property advice, adding substantial value to their experience.


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