Stakeholders decry dearth of women in health leadership

Toyin Saraki is Founder and President of the Well Being Foundation Africa

Stakeholders in the health sector have decried the dearth of women in leadership positions in the sector.

According to them, women, who are the backbone of the health workforce in every country, are often marginalised in the industry’s leadership positions.

Speaking at the launch of Women in Global Health (WGH), Nigeria chapter, in Abuja, at the weekend, Founder, Wellbeing Foundation Africa, Toyin Saraki, highlighted the importance of increasing the proportion of women in leadership positions to accelerate the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

She said: “Women are actually the backbone of the health workforce in every country. When it comes to leadership, that is when they start reminding us of what they have done to give us that step forward.

“It is time to recognise the vital contributions women make to the health sector and to ensure that their voices are heard in decision-making processes.”

At the event, Country Director of Pathfinder, Dr. Amina Dorayi, echoed Saraki’s sentiments, adding that the underrepresentation of women in health leadership is a global issue that needs to be addressed to improve health outcomes.

She emphasised that increasing the proportion of women in positions of health leadership will not only improve gender equality, but also improve the quality of healthcare.

“Women are uniquely positioned to advocate for the health needs of their communities,” Dorayi said. “Evidence has shown that by increasing the proportion of women in positions of health leadership, we can accelerate the achievement of UHC and the SDGs.”

Nigeria’s WGH Lead, Peju Adeniran, emphasised gender inequality in health as a reflection of wider inequalities in society.

According to her, addressing gender inequality in health will require a comprehensive approach that addresses the root of gender inequality in other areas.

Adeniran explained that Nigerian chapter of WGH was launched to support the advancement of women in health leadership in Nigeria.

The chapter, she noted, aims to promote gender equality in the health sector, increase the representation of women in health leadership positions and advocate policies that support gender equality in the health sector.


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