Stakeholders kick over shut jetty, depot, urge reopening

Taurus Petroleum Depot and Koko jetty. Photo: PMNews

Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) and some stakeholders in the petroleum sector have asked the Federal Government to immediately reopen Taurus Petroleum Depot and Koko jetty in Delta State.

The facilities were shut in January following an investigation into contaminated Petroleum Motor Spirit (PMS) shipped in by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL).

Taurus depot, a major petroleum trucking outlet in the region, was sealed by the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Regulatory Authority (NMDRA) amid investigation into the discharge of over 9.8 million litres of water in place of PMS shipped in by NNPCL through a vessel.

The vessel, MT Austria, at the centre of the investigation, has been immobilised and continues to obstruct the only jetty used to discharge fuel into other depots in the area.

While the outcome of investigation into the incident is still being awaited, commercial activities in the area have been grounded, with stakeholders warning that the situation is already hurting investment in the sector and disrupting fuel supply to the region.

Chairman of IPMAN, Delta State, Harry Okenin, lamented the hardship faced by his members whose products are locked up in Taurus depot. He said it was unfair to subject the depot and its members to unquantifiable losses over a matter they know nothing about.

Also, Zonal Chairman of Petroleum Tanker Drivers’ Association, Vincent Ojeagba, said it was worrisome that the government would shut down a private investment like Taurus depot without bothering about the huge consequences of such action on its owners.

He said: “Shutting a major depot like Tuarus is not a good decision by the government. This kind of action is capable of discouraging investment in the sector. The issue here is clear. A vessel brought in 20 million litres of PMS and about 9.8 million litres were found to have been contaminated with water. Investigation commenced five months ago and till date, there has been no outcome. Meanwhile, Taurus depot and Koko jetty remain shut. That is unfair.

“We are appealing to the Federal government to relocate the vessel under investigation from Koko jetty to make way for other vessels to come in. Taurus depot should also be reopened for marketers to access their products.”

Also, a community leader in Koko, Daniel Obayendo, said the closure of Taurus depot and Koko jetty has not only crippled the local economy but also led to scarcity of fuel in the region.

“This is like a death sentence to our local community. Our people thrive on business activities around Taurus depot but that is no longer the case since the depot was shut. Our appeal is that the government should reopen the depot,” he added.


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