Staying Happy In Your Relationship

RelationshipIN a long-term relationship, it is normal to have fights and arguments and disagreements. If you’ve been with your partner long enough to have your first fight, or maybe lots of fights, you realize relationships aren’t always made up of sugar and everyday spice with a cherry on top.

Maybe you think there is such thing as a “perfectly happy couple”, but you consider your relationship seems far from it. You enviously look at the “happy” couples all over your Facebook newsfeed, Instagram etc, flaunting fun outings, flowers, gifts and posts about their amazing spouse or maybe it’s those obnoxiously happy couples you spot while out shopping or even your co-workers gushing about their amazing boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. Okay, perhaps you aren’t that much of the jealous type, but are still wishing you and your significant other had less issues, were “the happy couple” more often, and could make your relationship last. Which leaves you wondering “So how do these happy couples do it?” How do they seem so happy?

The better question to ask is, how do we make our relationship a long and happy one? In actuality, no couple has a perfect or happy relationship all the time. So before criticizing the bond between you and your spouse, remember that all relationships have ups and downs. Let’s just help yours to be a happy one despite the tough times.

Maintaining a relationship or marriage takes consistent commitment and attention to the relationship. Many couples forget to nurture their relationship. It is like going to the gym. You can’t work out long and hard for 2 weeks and expect to maintain the same results if you don’t go back for 6 months. If you want to be and have a happy relationship, you have to know the following.
Have an Attitude of Gratitude

Choose a consistent time each day to share with your beloved and list some things you are grateful for. You can share about things from the past, present and future. You can express gratitude not only about each other but what you have learned or experienced throughout the years. You can do it through text or perhaps when both of you are just relaxing at home. Just be creative, but most importantly just do it!
Be Vulnerable with One Another

When talking with your spouse, don’t be afraid to show your vulnerabilities. This shows you trust your partner, and it opens a door for effective communication. When your partner is being vulnerable with you, respond with love, compassion, caring and empathy. When you are upset about something he or she did, try explaining how it made you feel before attacking or blaming.
Have Fun Together

No matter how busy your lives are, always make some time for spending some quality time alone with your partner. Use this time to go out for a date night, spend some intimate moments in the bedroom, or get creative with some activity you can do together.

Some fun ideas could be to go exploring around town in your car and kiss at any point in time, share an ice cream cone, or go for long walks along the beach. Be creative and as fun as you want.
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

It’s easy to let the little things your partner says or does get to you, but most of the time it’s best to pick your battles. Accept your man or woman’s quirks and brush off the smaller problems when you know it’s really not that big of a deal. If the “small stuff” does become bigger, it is important to reach out for support, involving a 3rd party like an elderly person you both respect can help enrich your relationship and love for one another.
To our happiness. Cheers.

