Streetwear is quintessential fashion trend of 2024 – Designer Kennedy Ofubu

Top Nigerian designer based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Ofubu Oluwadamilare Kennedy who is the breath of life behind an international streetwear clothing brand known as Calm Down Inc has given his insight into fashion trends that would define the landscape in 2024. According to the artistic director, streetwear is riding the waves well ahead of other trends and may remain so for a long time to come.

He gives his reasons, stating, ” In 2024, streetwear is the defining trend in the fashion space. Streetwear will dominate the fashion landscape in 2024, characterized by its blend of comfort, individuality, and cultural influence.

Ofubu Oluwadamilare Kennedy

This trend is rooted in urban culture, drawing inspiration from music, sports, and art, making it accessible and relevant to a wide audience. Key elements like oversized hoodies, graphic tees, sneakers, and utilitarian pieces such as cargo pants and bomber jackets will be staples.

“The trend also embraces sustainability, with many brands focusing on eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices.Collaborations between high-end designers and streetwear labels will continue to blur the lines between luxury and everyday wear, solidifying streetwear’s place as the quintessential fashion trend of 2024.”

Ofubu, who sees his brand as an emblem of African renaissance in fashion and art believes African fashion can go the distance on the world stage if given a fair medium of expression and appropriate impetus.

According to him, African fashion is already making an incursion into new cultures in the diaspora, but needs extra push for a bigger and greater global recognition. He explains what needs to be done for the world to truly appreciate African Haute Couture.

He submits, “Pushing African fashion to new cultures in the diaspora isn’t just about showcasing African styles; it’s about ensuring that African designers receive global recognition. It’s a multifaceted effort that involves highlighting the unique creativity, craftsmanship, and cultural heritage embedded in African fashion.

“By promoting African designers internationally, we’re challenging stereotypes and expanding the global fashion narrative to include diverse perspectives. This movement not only enriches the fashion industry but also empowers African designers to influence global trends and gain the recognition they deserve. It’s about creating opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and a deeper appreciation of African artistry on the world stage.”

Kennedy Ofubu grew up in Lagos, which is known for its haute Couture and lavish lifestyles. As a child, this left an imprint on his juvenile artistic DNA which found a means of expression in his adult life.

According to him, he is currently working as a ghost designer for several brands, behind the scenes without public recognition, yet reaping the benefits of his creativity and art

“As a ghost designer, I operate behind the scenes, crafting products for these brands without public recognition. This approach is akin to the discreet collaborations between high-profile brands like Gucci and Prada, which often share resources and ideas out of the public eye. I plan to continue this role until ‘Calm Down Inc.’ is ready to relaunch. It’s been a rewarding experience, both creatively and financially, earning me around $3,750 per collection,” he said.

