Students, civil societies barricade Ondo highway over fuel, naira scarcity

Youths under the aegis of the National Association of Nigerian Students (Joint Campus Council), Ondo axis, as well as some civil society organisations, yesterday barricaded the busy Ilesha-Akure-Owo highway over scarcity of fuel and naira.

The protest that caused gridlock at the popular Road Block intersection along the Akure/Ilesa highway left travellers and residents stranded. While warning hoodlums against making any attempts to hijack the protest, NANS Chaiman in the state, Comrade Surprise Oloroso, said, “the current hardship from scarcity of naira and the high price of gasoline is causing frustration among our people.

“This is a peaceful protest. We are here to tell the government we are not happy, but whoever wants to hijack this protest to loot and destroy properties will be handed over to the police.

“The current hardship is causing frustration among our people. The situation is uncomfortable for everybody. It has nothing to do with personality. No one has access to the naira freely. We want to send a message that the government should act quickly to tackle the issue.

“We also have a message for the Ondo State Government. We realised that petrol dealers hike prices unnecessarily even when they get product at the official price. We want the state government to set up a committee to monitor the sale of gasoline and also provide access to money. We want to be part of that committee.

On his part, Kola Olurundare, who represented Civil Society Organisation, said the protest was to send message to the government that the people are not happy.

Ondo Police Commissioner, Oyeyemi Oyediran, who addressed the protesters, commended them for being peaceful, and urged them not to allow hoodlums to hijack the protest.


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