Students protest as truck kills AAUA Alumnus

Adekunle Ajasin University

Thousands of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akungba (AAUA), Ondo State, yesterday, trooped out to protest against recurring ghastly road accidents caused by articulated trucks in the area.

One of such accidents, which occurred last Thursday, led to the death of a former student of the institution who was simply identified as Michael. The deceased was said to have gone to the university for his clearance.

The Guardian learnt that the hit-and-run truck driver, who killed the alumnus, was trailed to a neighbouring town, Oba-Akoko, where he was arrested around 10:00pm last Thursday.

According to sources, the truck lost control and killed Michael and two other persons in the community while several others sustained various degrees of injuries.

Irked by the development, the students converged on the main gate of the institution, yesterday, to protest against the incessant killing of their colleagues by reckless truck drivers.

This resulted to long hours of traffic jam in the community, as the students mounted several roadblocks. It took the intervention of the university’s management to douse the tension.

The management, after appeasing the enraged students in a statement, also postponed its ongoing semester examinations.
“The Management of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba Akoko, has expressed serious concern over the incessant rate of accidents claiming the lives of students of the university.

“In view of the accident that claimed the life of a former student late evening of yesterday, Thursday, February 3, 2022, management has decided to postpone today’s examinations. This is to honour the departed soul.

“A new date for the examinations will be announced later. The management is currently engaging all relevant stakeholders on what should be done to address the ugly trend and put an end to vehicular accidents in the university town,” the statement read.

Meanwhile, the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Southwest Zone D has decried the rising spate of accidents on highways in Ondo State.

In a statement yesterday jointly signed by NANS Southwest Coordinator, Stephen Fiyinfoluwa Tegbe, and the Southwest PRO, Emmanuel Esiegbe, the students decried the incessant killing of their colleagues.

“The Leadership of NANS Southwest Zone D ably led by Tegbe Stephen Fiyinfoluwa would no longer keep her hand crossed as students’ lives are endangered due to the incessant accidents on Ondo State roads, particularly Akungba.

“With immediate effect, we hereby relocate the secretariat of NANS SouthWest Zone D to all major roads in Akungba, Ondo State until our voices are heard and a lasting solution is proffered,” the statement said.

However, Ondo State Governor, Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, has condoled with the students and families of the deceased, ordering strict compliance to the measures earlier put in place to forestall reoccurrence. He expressed deep concerns over the needless death of residents, especially students whose dreams and aspirations were cut short.


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