Stunning Bedroom With Wallpaper

WallpaperTHERE is something you can do to make your bedroom more beautiful which many people do not know or how to go about it. Wallpaper is one bedroom decorating idea you can adopt to give your bedroom a refreshing look.

In deciding to go for wallpaper decoration, first have a particular look or theme in mind before settling for the material. You can choose from big prints, flocked pattern or coloured stripes to create prominent feature walls.

Stripes will make all the difference to your small bedroom and give the illusion of extra height or size. You can also try playing around with illustrations and flop stripes in different directions in your room to create a unique talking point. A cleverly chosen pattern can really open up a hidden space in your bedroom.

A great way to attach wallpaper into your bedroom is with one feature wall. This way, you can go all out on pattern and choose something really generous, without breaking the bank.

You can also frame your bed with a few stripes of wallpaper for a modern take on a traditional headboard. Think about using wallpaper in a completely new way to really make a statement.

Plain table and chairs can be transformed into something really special with patterned and brightly coloured wallpaper or shelves lined with flocked wallpaper to make the most of simple storage solutions

