
…The evergreen preoccupation of fashion industry

Styling, design innovation and creativity have made everything fashion from fabrics to accessories an evergreen phenomenon, such that it puts a thin line between trend and out of trend.

Because fashion evolves on a daily basis, what may be perceived as out of trend today would be seen as a centrepiece design or style the next day.

This explains why Sunray in its diverse fabric designs is not just back on global runways but also as the first choice in the everyday wardrobe wear of fashion lovers.

The wedged-shaped pleats fabrics due to its flexibility, eco-friendly textures and style-friendliness always finds their way back in the spotlight, especially during the hot weather season.

Why Sun Ray is Evergreen
. The fabric design is perfect for all occasions: corporate, societal and casual events.
. Perfect for all styles; gown, trouser and top, shirts, skirt and combos.
. Flexible and comfortable due to it eco-friendly texture
. All ages and gender friendly – Can be used to style outfits for men, women and children.
. It requires less styling accessories due to the aesthetic pleating design.
. Available in diverse fabric textures.


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