Sunrise Power Transmission vows to build Mambilla Hydro & make Nigeria proud…

*”I started the mambilla hydro project over 20 years ago to execute and complete and not to be in court” Leno Adesanya *

Leno Adesany promoter of the mambilla hydro project has reechoed his stance to build the mambilla hydro project.

In his statement, he pointed out that as a grandfather and a proud father of well achieved educated men and women.
His dream is to see a Nigeria that would boast of uninterrupted power supply.

He pointed out how in his late 60’s money isn’t his only motivation but leaving a lasting legacy.

Haven been on the mambilla hydro project for over 2 decades, the last thing is to give up now.

Hydro power, renewable source of energy has become more popular globally and essential for Nigeria and the Northeast region.

Decentralization of the national grid is even so important as a national security perquisite, The chairman Sunrise power pointed out.

When asked if worried about Negative report in the media. He responded by saying. Bad news sells.

Facts over fiction, and truism over fallacy.
Sunrise conceptualized the development of the mambilla hydro project over 2 decades on a build operate and transfer basis.

Funds, foreign technical partners and expertise raised towards actualizing this viable project. Till date not a penny has been paid by federal government to Sunrise.

The mambilla hydro is expected to give 3,050 MGWs of electricity. 50,000 skilled jobs and economic spillovers to the north east region and Nigeria as a whole.


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