Support For The Physically Challenged

Polio-ChildrenOn seeing this caption, some might flip past this page. Only a few would actually sit and read it. This shows the level of ignorance in our society today. A physically challenged is a handicapped person, who is unable to use all or some parts of the body properly.

Do you think that anyone would not like to use all the parts of the body? Those that are born handicapped, did they choose to be that way? These questions prove that there are things beyond human control and we have to accept it as it is. Reading this article, you would notice that there is something in your body that you would like to change, but no matter what you do, the problem just never seems to go away.
This applies to the challenged. Some people that claim to be human beings treat others with disrespect; they bully and trample on the rights of others that are weaker physically and psychologically, such as the people with disabilities. We must be humane.
Challenged people have as much right as we do, and as such, should be treated with respect. We should learn to care and support them. This can be done through donations, employment opportunities and caring.

By Enweozor Songholi Queensland Academy, Okota

