Susan Pwajok: I always love playing characters outside my comfort zone

Susan Pwajok

Susan Pwajok is a rising Nollywood actress, influencer and TV host. The native of Plateau State became popular for her role in Africa Magic TV series, The Johnsons where she played the character, Blessing. She has since featured in other films and TV shows, including Cover Up, Night Raid, Stopping Chloe, Steel Bling, Keeping Lucy and Steer Wheel. The award-winning Pwajok has also recently been announced as the latest addition to MTV Base’s Culture Squad. In this interview with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, she speaks about her recent engagement and her career journey.

Share with us your growing up?

I had a diverse and enriching upbringing. I was born and raised in a multicultural environment, which exposed me to different cultures, languages and perspectives from a young age. This upbringing fostered curiosity for learning and appreciation for diversity. For the record, I was born on January 15, 2003, in Jos, Plateau State. However, I grew up in Lagos and attended Greenwood House School in Parkview, Ikoyi.

Acting has always been a part of my life. In school, I joined an extracurricular club called KKB, which sparked my interest in acting. I participated in several auditions and eventually got selected for the role of ‘Blessing’ in the TV series “The Johnsons” before I entered secondary school. During my time in school, I continued pursuing acting while also balancing my education. I attended Dowen College in Lekki, Lagos, where I actively participated in acting projects while continuing my studies. I graduated from Dowen College a few years ago and have plans to further my education.

You have just been announced as part of the MTV Base Culture Squad. How does this make you feel?

Being announced as part of the MTV Base Culture Squad fills me with excitement and pride. It’s an honour to be recognised by such a renowned platform and to have the opportunity to contribute to promoting and celebrating culture. I look forward to collaborating with the talented individuals in the Squad, sharing insights, and engaging with MTV Base’s audience to create meaningful content that resonates with people worldwide. Together, we can explore various aspects of culture, highlight diverse voices, and inspire positive change.

What stands out for you in your role?
MTV Base is a vibrant, youthful and entertainment channel that caters to a young audience. What excites me about this role is the opportunity to be my authentic self, expressing myself and representing the brand in the best ways I can. Additionally, the collaborative nature of this role, working alongside other talented creatives is something that truly excites me. Overall, the chance to combine my passion for storytelling with the opportunity to challenge myself and make a lasting impression is what makes this role truly exciting.

You were quite popular in your role in The Johnsons. To what extent would you say it prepared you for this bigger platform?
My role in The Johnsons was a truly rewarding experience that provided numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. The exposure and recognition from the show allowed me to expand my network within the industry and connect with other talented individuals. It also gave me a platform to showcase my acting abilities and further develop my skills. Working on a popular show like The Johnsons requires high professionalism, discipline, and dedication. It taught me the importance of teamwork and collaboration in creating a successful production.

I worked with experienced actors, directors, and crewmembers that shared their knowledge and expertise, further honing my craft. The show’s popularity also increased visibility, which opened doors to new projects and opportunities. In addition, it allowed me to build a strong fan base and connect with audiences on a deeper level. Finally, the feedback and support from fans provided invaluable motivation and encouragement to continue pushing myself as an actor.

How would you define your style?
My personal style is influenced by my mood, and I enjoy exploring a variety of styles. I find it boring to stick to just one particular style, especially because I’m young and always seeking ways to refresh my look. Whether it’s through changing my hairstyle, experimenting with different clothing choices, or trying out new shoes, I love the freedom to switch up my appearance.

What does fashion mean to you?
Fashion holds significant importance in my life as it provides a means to express one’s emotions through clothing choices. What many may not be aware of is that I had the privilege of growing up alongside my mother, who pursued wedding gown design as a hobby. Consequently, I had the opportunity to be constantly surrounded by her and the talented tailors she collaborated with.

As a result, I acquired the skill of operating a sewing machine and harbored a deep passion for fashion. Although my ultimate aspiration is to establish my own clothing line in the future, I recognise the importance of taking things one-step at a time and focusing on the present.

What is your favourite fashion piece?
My ultimate fashion pick would be a stylish pair of boots. They possess a unique ability to infuse any outfit with an edgy and contemporary vibe, making a striking statement.

What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about a couple of things but I’d say the top on the list has to be acting. I’ve always loved playing characters that are way different from who I am, as a person, characters that make me step outside my comfort zone. And I’ve always loved the idea of being on television. This interest of mine began when I was in primary school and has persisted ever since.

Describe Susan in three words?

Daring, free-spirited, Gen Z leader

Share with us your key life principles.
Uphold the value of genuine intentions and treat others with utmost compassion. However, extend this kindness not only to others but also to yourself, for we often neglect the importance of self-love. Strive to break free from the pattern of constantly seeking approval from others, and prioritise your own happiness.

It’s crucial to recognise when certain situations no longer serve your best interests and gracefully distance yourself, ensuring that you part ways with kindness so that no negative words can be spoken against you. Although it’s a challenging journey, even I am gradually progressing towards achieving this balance.
