Suspend institutions running unaccredited courses, NANS tells FG

Tahir Mamman

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has called on the Federal Government to suspend institutions running unaccredited courses.

This came on the heels of the Federal Ministry of Education’s suspension of evaluation and accreditation of degree certificates from the Republic of Benin and Togo.

The ministry had blacklisted about 18 of the learning institutions following the undercover investigation by a Nigerian newspaper, which exposed the activities of a degree mill in Cotonou, a major city in Benin Republic.

National leader of the union, Elvis Ekundina, enjoined the Federal Government to commence investigation into the activities of the education ministry, National Universities Commission (NUC), National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and other agencies fingered in the fraudulent activities of obtaining degree certificates from foreign universities.

He called on the government to beam its searchlight on the activities of tertiary institutions, especially privately-owned, running unaccredited courses.

The union leader accused such institutions of destroying the sector and swindling innocent young Nigerians of their money by offering them unaccredited courses.

He also urged the government to collaborate with NANS and other student bodies to rid the country of illegal tertiary institutions towards repositioning the nation’s education sector for the better.

