‘Sustainable agricultural practices can revitalise sector’s productivity’


The Director, Centre for Environment Studies, University of Abuja, Professor Shuaibu Hassan, has emphasised the need for sustainable practices to revitalise agricultural productivity in the country.

Hassan disclosed this in his keynote note address during the celebration of the World Environmental Day (WED) in Abuja, which was organised by Africa Projects Development Centre (APDC) with the theme: “The Role of Sustainable Agriculture in Land Restoration.”

He underscored sustainable agriculture as a crucial means to safeguard and revitalise the environment, attributing human activities as the primary drivers of climate change’s impact on food production.

Lastly, he highlighted various agricultural practices aimed at enhancing soil health.

Hassan added that the vital role of sustainable land use is to promote crop production successfully.

He also highlighted the significance of production technology in minimising post-harvest losses and prolonging the shelf life of produce, suggesting the need to embrace various agricultural practices to enhance soil health.

In his opening remarks, Yobe State Commissioner for Environment, Sidi Yakubu Karasuwa, represented by the Deputy Director of Rural Water Department at the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and Sanitation, Galadimawa Abubakar, highlighted the state’s struggle with desertification and the community’s adoption of sustainable agriculture techniques.

He underscored government’s efforts towards environmental protection by launching the state’s Climate Change Action Plan in the year 2020 by Governor Mail Mala Buni.

Karasuwa explained that the action plan included integrated and climate-resilient agricultural practices, such as provision of improved drought-tolerant seeds to farmers, provision of solar-powered irrigation pumps, intensive and extensive training of farmers on climate smart agriculture, promotion of dry season farming and provision of micro-credit schemes to reduce rural poverty.

Earlier, Director of Programmes, Policy and Partnerships, APDC, Mr. Maaruf Yakub, in his opening remarks, highlighted the importance of sustainable urban agriculture and its positive impacts to the environment.

During the event, Ecocykle Development Foundation, Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Nigeria, and the Commissioner for Environment were presented awards of excellence.


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